Source code for revive.utils.causal_graph

    POLIXIR REVIVE, copyright (C) 2021-2025 Polixir Technologies Co., Ltd., is 
    distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL). 
    POLIXIR REVIVE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.
import yaml
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from revive.utils.common_utils import load_data
from revive.utils.causal_discovery_utils import ClassicalDiscovery

[docs] class CausalGraph: def __init__(self, data_file, yaml_file, seed=1024): """Finding causal graphs using causal discovery algorithms Args: data_file : *.npz file path or *.h5 file path yaml_fle : *.yaml file path seed : random seed """ with open(yaml_file, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: self.raw_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) data = load_data(data_file) self.seed(seed) assert "obs" in data.keys() assert "action" in data.keys() if "next_obs" not in data.keys(): end_indexes = data['index'].astype(int) start_indexes = np.concatenate([np.array([0]), end_indexes[:-1]]) curr_obs = [] next_obs = [] action = [] for start, end in zip(start_indexes, end_indexes): curr_obs.append(data["obs"][start:end-1]) next_obs.append(data["obs"][start+1:end]) action.append(data["action"][start:end-1]) self.obs = np.concatenate(curr_obs, axis=0) self.next_obs = np.concatenate(next_obs, axis=0) self.action = np.concatenate(action, axis=0) else: self.obs = data["obs"] self.next_obs = data["next_obs"] self.action = data["action"] = data self.obs_dims = self.obs.shape[1] self.action_dims = self.action.shape[1] self.algo_cls = ClassicalDiscovery
[docs] def seed(self, seed): np.random.seed(seed)
[docs] def fit(self, sample_size=-1): """Fit using causal discovery algorithms Args: sample_size : Limit the number of samples used. The more the number of samples, the longer the training time it takes, -1 means use all samples. """ if sample_size == -1: self.algo = self.algo_cls() elif sample_size >= 1: self.algo = self.algo_cls(limit=int(sample_size)) else: raise ValueError(f"The sample_size should be an integer greater \ than or equal to -1. \ It should not be {sample_size}") data = {"obs": self.obs, "action": self.action, "next_obs": self.next_obs}, fit_transition=True)
@property def causal_graph(self): return self.algo.graph.graph @property def causal_graph_threshold(self): return self.algo.graph.thresh_info @property def causal_matrix(self): return self.algo.graph.get_adj_matrix()
[docs] def threshold_transform(self, threshold): if threshold == 0.5: threshold = self.causal_graph_threshold["common"] elif threshold < 0.5: min_threshold = self.causal_graph_threshold["min"] common_threshold = self.causal_graph_threshold["common"] threshold = (common_threshold - min_threshold) * threshold else: max_threshold = self.causal_graph_threshold["max"] common_threshold = self.causal_graph_threshold["common"] threshold = (max_threshold - common_threshold) * (threshold - 0.5) + common_threshold threshold = min(max(self.causal_graph_threshold["min"], threshold), self.causal_graph_threshold["max"]) return threshold
[docs] def causal_binary_matrix(self, threshold=None): """Convert the causality matrix to a two-dimensional connectivity diagram Args: threshold : Causal truncation threshold, only greater than or equal to this value is considered to have a causal relationship, using 1 means there is a causal relationship, 0 means there is no causal relationship. Return: causal_binary_matrix: [[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]] """ if threshold is None: threshold = 0.5 threshold = self.threshold_transform(threshold) return self.algo.graph.get_binary_adj_matrix(threshold)
[docs] def decision_graph(self, npz_file, yaml_file, threshold=None): """Generate decision flow graph for use by REVIVE SDK Args: yaml_file : The address where the newly generated yaml file is saved. npz_file : The address where the newly generated npz file is saved. threshold : Causal truncation threshold, only greater than or equal to this value is considered to have a causal relationship, using 1 means there is a causal relationship, 0 means there is no causal relationship. """ causal_binary_matrix = self.causal_binary_matrix(threshold) obs_nodes = {"action_realated": [], "transition_related": [], "useless": []} # Get the action related obs features # Get the next_obs related obs features # Get the useless obs features raw_config = deepcopy(self.raw_config) for obs_dim in range(self.obs_dims): if np.sum(causal_binary_matrix[obs_dim][self.obs_dims:self.obs_dims+self.action_dims]) > 0: obs_nodes["action_realated"].append(obs_dim) for obs_dim in range(self.obs_dims): if obs_dim in obs_nodes["action_realated"]: continue if np.sum(causal_binary_matrix[obs_dim][[_dim+self.obs_dims+self.action_dims for _dim in obs_nodes["action_realated"]]]) > 0: obs_nodes["transition_related"].append(obs_dim) else: obs_nodes["useless"].append(obs_dim) # TODO: Get the relation between # "action_realated" and "next_obs_related" # Generate decision graph data = deepcopy( obs = data.pop("obs") if len(obs_nodes["transition_related"]) > 0: # graph raw_config["metadata"]["graph"] = {'action': ['action_realated_obs'], 'next_action_realated_obs': ['action_realated_obs', 'transition_related_obs', 'action'], 'next_transition_related_obs': ['action_realated_obs', 'transition_related_obs', 'action']} # column obs_columns = [column for column in raw_config["metadata"]["columns"] if list(column.values())[0]["dim"] == "obs"] for obs_dim in obs_nodes["action_realated"]: obs_columns[obs_dim][list(obs_columns[obs_dim].keys())[0]]["dim"] = "action_realated_obs" for obs_dim in obs_nodes["transition_related"]: obs_columns[obs_dim][list(obs_columns[obs_dim].keys())[0]]["dim"] = "transition_related_obs" data["action_realated_obs"] = obs[:, obs_nodes["action_realated"]] data["transition_related_obs"] = obs[:, obs_nodes["transition_related"]] else: obs_columns = [column for column in raw_config["metadata"]["columns"] if list(column.values())[0]["dim"] == "obs"] for obs_dim in obs_nodes["action_realated"]: obs_columns[obs_dim][list(obs_columns[obs_dim].keys())[0]]["dim"] = "obs" data["obs"] = obs[:, obs_nodes["action_realated"]] # data["next_obs"] = next_obs[:,obs_nodes["action_realated"]] raw_config["metadata"]["graph"] = {'action': ['obs'], 'next_obs': ['obs', 'action']} for obs_dim in obs_nodes["useless"]: obs_columns[obs_dim][list(obs_columns[obs_dim].keys())[0]]["dim"] = "useless_obs" with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(raw_config, f) np.savez_compressed(npz_file, **data)