POLIXIR REVIVE, copyright (C) 2021-2025 Polixir Technologies Co., Ltd., is
distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL).
POLIXIR REVIVE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
""" The function of this document is mainly for use on the SAAS platform, and maintenance will be temporarily suspended in the future."""
import re
import yaml
from shutil import copyfile
from loguru import logger
import revive.computation.operators as opt
OPERATORS_NAME = sorted(opt.__all__, reverse=False)
def get_nodes(yaml_file_path,):
with open(yaml_file_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
raw_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
data_config = raw_config['metadata']['columns']
nodes_name = set([list(d.values())[0]['dim'] for d in data_config])
nodes = { node_name : [list(d.keys())[0] for d in data_config if list(d.values())[0]['dim'] == node_name] for node_name in nodes_name}
for node in raw_config['metadata']['graph'].keys():
if "next_" in node and node[5:] in nodes.keys():
nodes[node] = nodes[node[5:]]
return nodes
def matching_bracket(string, idx, brackets=[]):
a = {
"(": ")",
"[": "]",
"{": "}",
"<": ">"
if brackets:
a = { k:v for k in a.items() for k in brackets}
close_bracket = a[string[idx]]
if idx != string.rindex(string[idx]):
b = string.rindex(string[idx])
c = string[b:].index(close_bracket)
str_list = list(string)
str_list[b], str_list[b+c] = ".", "."
return matching_bracket(''.join(str_list), idx)
d = string[idx:].index(close_bracket)
return idx + d
def strip(s):
return re.sub("\s|\t|\n", "", s)
def find_all(s, sub_s):
return [m.start() for m in re.finditer(sub_s, s)]
def find_node(line):
nodes = {}
for node_name in sorted(NODES.keys(), reverse=True):
res = find_all(line, node_name)
for index in res:
bracket_start_index = index+len(node_name)
if bracket_start_index==len(line):
if line[bracket_start_index] != "[" or line[bracket_start_index+1:bracket_start_index+5] == "...,":
bracket_stop_index = matching_bracket(line, bracket_start_index) + 1
nodes[bracket_start_index] = bracket_stop_index
nodes = [[index, nodes[index]] for index in sorted(nodes.keys())]
return nodes
def find_column(line):
columns = {}
for node_name in NODES.keys():
for column_name in NODES[node_name]:
res = find_all(line, column_name)
for index in res:
if line[index-1:index+len(column_name)+1] == f'"{column_name}"' or \
line[index-1:index+len(column_name)+1] == f"'{column_name}'":
columns[index] = [column_name,node_name]
columns = [[index, columns[index]] for index in sorted(columns.keys())]
return columns
def find_operator(line):
operators = {}
for operator_name in OPERATORS_NAME:
res = find_all(line, operator_name)
for index in res:
if line[index-1] in [" ", "=", "(", ","] and not bool(re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', line[index+len(operator_name)])):
operators[index] = operator_name
operators = [[index, operators[index]] for index in sorted(operators.keys())]
return operators
def convert_operator(oral_operator_name):
return "opt." + oral_operator_name
def convert_column(oral_column,flag):
column_name, node_name = oral_column
return f"{NODES[node_name].index(column_name)}"
def convert_node(bracket_start_index):
return f"{NODES[node_name].index(column_name)}"
def convert_operators(line):
""" Convert operator
Example: add -> opt.add
operators = find_operator(line)
if operators:
first_operator_index, first_operator_name = operators[0]
line = line[:first_operator_index] \
+ convert_operator(first_operator_name) \
+ line[first_operator_index+len(first_operator_name):]
return convert_operators(line)
return line
def convert_columns(line):
""" Convert column name to column index
Example: "obs_1" -> 1
columns = find_column(line)
if columns:
first_column_index, first_column_name = columns[0]
if "[" == line[first_column_index-2]:
flag = "L"
elif "]" == line[first_column_index+len(first_column_name[0])+1]:
flag = "R"
flag = "C"
line = line[:first_column_index-1] \
+ convert_column(first_column_name,flag) \
+ line[first_column_index+len(first_column_name[0])+1:]
return convert_columns(line)
return line
def convert_nodes(line):
""" Convert node to tensor
Example: obs[1,2] -> obs[...,[1,2]]
nodes = find_node(line)
if nodes:
bracket_start_index, bracket_stop_index = nodes[0]
if ":" in line[bracket_start_index:bracket_stop_index]:
line = line[:bracket_start_index] \
+ "[...," \
+ line[bracket_start_index+1:bracket_stop_index-1] \
+ "]" \
+ line[bracket_stop_index:]
line = line[:bracket_start_index] \
+ "[...," \
+ line[bracket_start_index:bracket_stop_index] \
+ "]" \
+ line[bracket_stop_index:]
return convert_nodes(line)
return line
def convert_line(line):
line = strip(line)
line = convert_operators(line)
line = convert_columns(line)
line = convert_nodes(line)
return line
def checkt_convert(line):
comvert_line_copy = line
for fn in [convert_operators,convert_columns,convert_nodes]:
comvert_line_copy = fn(comvert_line_copy)
if comvert_line_copy == line:
return False
return True
def convert_fn_def(origin_code : list):
''' find the intent of original code '''
codes = []
index = 0
for i, code in enumerate(origin_code):
if code.startswith('def '):
bracket_start_index = code.index("(")
codes.append(code[:bracket_start_index]+"(data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:\n")
index = i
if ":" in code:
index = i
args = strip("".join(origin_code[:index+1]))
bracket_start_index = args.index("(")
bracket_stop_index = matching_bracket(args,bracket_start_index)
args = args[bracket_start_index+1:bracket_stop_index].split(",")
for arg in args:
codes.append(f' {arg}=data["{arg}"]\n')
other_codes = origin_code[index+1:]
return codes, other_codes
def get_fn_list(origin_code_list):
fn_start_index = []
fn_stop_index = []
for i,code in enumerate(origin_code_list):
if code.startswith('def '):
if fn_start_index:
return [origin_code_list[i:j] for i,j in zip(fn_start_index,fn_stop_index)]
def parser(input_file : str,
output_file : str,
yaml_file : str):
global NODES
NODES = get_nodes(yaml_file)
with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
origin_code_list = f.readlines()
for code in origin_code_list:
if code.startswith("import torch"):
logger.info(f'Not parser function in {input_file}')
# copyfile(input_file, output_file)
return False
logger.info(f'Parser function in {input_file}')
output_codes = []
output_codes.append("import torch\n")
output_codes.append("from typing import Dict\n")
output_codes.append("import revive.computation.operators as opt\n")
fn_list = get_fn_list(origin_code_list)
for fn in fn_list:
start_codes, other_codes = convert_fn_def(fn)
output_codes += start_codes
for code in other_codes:
if not checkt_convert(code):
if " return " in code:
if "(" not in code and "[" not in code:
sub_code = convert_line("return="+code[code.index("return")+len("return"):])
sub_code = sub_code.replace("return=", "return ")
output_codes.append(" "*(len(code) - len(code.lstrip()))+sub_code+"\n")
output_codes.append(" "*(len(code) - len(code.lstrip()))+convert_line(code)+"\n")
with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
return True