Source code for revive.computation.graph

    POLIXIR REVIVE, copyright (C) 2021-2025 Polixir Technologies Co., Ltd., is 
    distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL). 
    POLIXIR REVIVE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

import torch
import warnings
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Union

from import DataProcessor
from revive.computation.dists import ReviveDistribution
from revive.computation.modules import *

[docs] class DesicionNode: ''' An abstract node for making decisions ''' node_type : str = None # mark the type of the node def __init__(self, name : str, input_names : List[str], input_descriptions : List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]): assert len(input_descriptions) == len(input_names) = name self.input_names = input_names self.input_descriptions = input_descriptions self.processor = None self.reset()
[docs] def __call__(self, data : Dict[str, torch.Tensor], *args, **kwargs) -> Union[torch.Tensor, ReviveDistribution]: ''' Run a forward computation of this node. NOTE: The input data was transferred by self.processor. You can use `self.processor.deprocess_torch(data)` to get the original data. ''' self.before_compute_node() kwargs["node"] = self out =, *args, **kwargs) self.after_compute_node() return out
[docs] def register_processor(self, processor : DataProcessor): ''' register the global data processor to this node ''' self.processor = processor
[docs] def remove_processor(self): ''' remove the registered data processor ''' self.processor = None
[docs] def get_inputs(self, data : Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> OrderedDict: ''' get only input variables ''' inputs = OrderedDict() for input_name in self.input_names: inputs[input_name] = data[input_name] return inputs
[docs] def before_compute_node(self): pass
[docs] def after_compute_node(self): if self.initial_state_flag: self.initial_state_flag = False self.trajectory_steps += 1
[docs] def to(self, device : str) -> 'DesicionNode': ''' change the device of this node ''' return self
[docs] def requires_grad_(self, mode : bool = False) -> 'DesicionNode': ''' change the requirement of gradient for this node ''' return self
[docs] def train(self) -> 'DesicionNode': ''' set the state of this node to training ''' return self
[docs] def eval(self) -> 'DesicionNode': ''' set the state of this node to evaluation ''' return self
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: ''' reset the state of this node, useful when node is an RNN ''' self.initial_state_flag = True self.trajectory_steps = 0
[docs] def export2onnx(self, onnx_file : str, verbose : bool = True): ''' export the node to onnx file, with input from original data space ''' assert self.processor is not None, 'please register processor before export!' node = deepcopy(self) node ='cpu') node.requires_grad_(False) node.eval() class ExportHelper(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, state : Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: state = node.processor.process_torch(state) output = node(state) if isinstance(output, torch.Tensor): action = output else: action = output.mode action = torch.clamp(action, -1, 1) action = node.processor.deprocess_single_torch(action, return action demo_inputs = {} dynamic_axes={} for name, description in zip(self.input_names, self.input_descriptions): demo_inputs[name] = torch.randn(len(description), dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0) dynamic_axes[name] = [0] torch.onnx.export(ExportHelper(), (demo_inputs,{}), onnx_file, verbose=verbose, input_names=self.input_names, output_names=[], dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, opset_version=11)
def __str__(self) -> str: info = [] info.append(f'node class : {type(self)}') info.append(f'node name : {}') info.append(f'node inputs : {self.input_names}') info.append(f'processor : {self.processor}') info.append(f'node type : {self.node_type}') return '\n'.join(info)
[docs] class NetworkDecisionNode(DesicionNode): node_type = 'network' def __init__(self, name: str, input_names: List[str], input_descriptions: List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]): super().__init__(name, input_names, input_descriptions) = None self.input_is_dict = False
[docs] def set_network(self, network : torch.nn.Module): ''' set the network from a different source ''' = network
[docs] def get_network(self) -> torch.nn.Module: ''' return all the network in this node ''' return
[docs] def initialize_network(self, input_dim : Union[int, dict], output_dim : int, hidden_features : int, hidden_layers : int, backbone_type : str, dist_config : list, is_transition : bool = False, hidden_activation : str = 'leakyrelu', norm : str = None, transition_mode : Optional[str] = None, obs_dim : Optional[int] = None, input_dim_dict : dict = {}, *args, **kwargs): ''' initialize the network of this node ''' self.initialize_network_parameters = { "input_dim" : input_dim, "output_dim" : output_dim, "hidden_features" : hidden_features, "hidden_layers" : hidden_layers, "backbone_type" : backbone_type, "dist_config" : dist_config, "is_transition" : is_transition, "hidden_activation" : hidden_activation, "norm" : norm, "transition_mode" : transition_mode, "obs_dim" : obs_dim, "input_dim_dict" : input_dim_dict, "args" : args, "kwargs" : kwargs, } if "ts_conv_config" in self.initialize_network_parameters["kwargs"] and self.initialize_network_parameters["kwargs"]["ts_conv_config"] != None: self.ts_conv_node = True if _para = sum(param.sum().item() for param in logger.warning(f"The node network '{}' has been initialized. Skip initialization with sum {_para}") time.sleep(2) return kwargs['node_name'] = ts_input_names = {k:v for k,v in self.ts_frames_config.items() if k in self.input_names} if is_transition: if backbone_type in ['mlp', 'res', 'ft_transformer']: network = FeedForwardTransition(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, norm=norm, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, dist_config=dist_config, backbone_type=backbone_type, mode=transition_mode, obs_dim=obs_dim, **kwargs) elif backbone_type in ['gru', 'lstm', 'ts_transformer']: assert isinstance(input_dim, int), "assert isinstance(input_dim, int)" if ts_input_names: self.input_is_dict = True input_dim = [] for k,v in input_dim_dict.items(): if k in ts_input_names: node_time_steps = ts_input_names[k][1] assert v % node_time_steps == 0 d = int(v / node_time_steps) else: node_time_steps = 1 d = v input_dim.append(d) input_dim = int(sum(input_dim)) if backbone_type in ['gru', 'lstm']: network = TsRecurrentTransition(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, norm=norm, dist_config=dist_config, backbone_type=backbone_type, ts_input_names = ts_input_names, input_dim_dict=input_dim_dict, **kwargs) else: network = TsTransformerTransition(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, norm=norm, dist_config=dist_config, ts_input_names = ts_input_names, input_dim_dict=input_dim_dict, **kwargs) else: network = RecurrentTransition(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, norm=norm, dist_config=dist_config, backbone_type=backbone_type, mode=transition_mode, obs_dim=obs_dim, **kwargs) # rnn_hidden_features=kwargs['rnn_hidden_features'], # window_size=kwargs['window_size'], # **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Initializing node `{}`, backbone type {backbone_type} is not supported!') else: if backbone_type in ['mlp', 'res', 'ft_transformer']: network = FeedForwardPolicy(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, dist_config=dist_config, norm=norm, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, backbone_type=backbone_type, **kwargs) elif backbone_type in ['gru', 'lstm', 'ts_transformer']: assert isinstance(input_dim, int), "assert isinstance(input_dim, int)" if ts_input_names: self.input_is_dict = True input_dim = [] for k,v in input_dim_dict.items(): if k in ts_input_names: node_time_steps = ts_input_names[k][1] assert v % node_time_steps == 0 d = int(v / node_time_steps) else: node_time_steps = 1 d = v input_dim.append(d) input_dim = int(sum(input_dim)) if backbone_type in ['gru', 'lstm']: network = TsRecurrentPolicy(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, norm=norm, dist_config=dist_config, backbone_type=backbone_type, ts_input_names = ts_input_names, input_dim_dict=input_dim_dict, **kwargs) else: network = TsTransformerPolicy(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, norm=norm, dist_config=dist_config, ts_input_names = ts_input_names, input_dim_dict=input_dim_dict, **kwargs) else: network = RecurrentPolicy(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, norm=norm, dist_config=dist_config, backbone_type=backbone_type, **kwargs) elif backbone_type in ['contextual_gru', 'contextual_lstm']: assert isinstance(input_dim, int), "assert isinstance(input_dim, int)" network = ContextualPolicy(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_features, hidden_layers, dist_config, backbone_type, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Initializing node `{}`, backbone type {backbone_type} is not supported!') = network"The node network '{}' has been initialized -> {}")
[docs] def call(self, data : Dict[str, torch.Tensor], *args, **kwargs) -> ReviveDistribution: ''' Run a forward computation of this node. NOTE: The input data was transferred by self.processor. You can use `self.processor.deprocess_torch(data)` to get the original data. ''' data = self.get_inputs(data) # data = self.processor.deprocess_torch(data) # data = self.processor.process_torch(data, mode="standard_scaler") inputs = data if hasattr(self, 'custom_node') or hasattr(self, 'ts_conv_node') or self.input_is_dict or hasattr(, 'input_is_dict') else[data[k] for k in self.input_names], dim=-1) kwargs['input_names'] = self.input_names output_dist =, *args, **kwargs) return output_dist
[docs] def to(self, device : str) -> 'DesicionNode': ''' change the device of this node ''' = return self
[docs] def requires_grad_(self, mode : bool = False) -> 'DesicionNode': ''' change the requirement of gradient for this node ''' return self
[docs] def train(self) -> 'DesicionNode': ''' set the state of this node to training ''' return self
[docs] def eval(self) -> 'DesicionNode': ''' set the state of this node to evaluation ''' return self
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: ''' reset the state of this node, useful when node is an RNN ''' super().reset() try: except: pass return self
def __str__(self) -> str: info = [super(NetworkDecisionNode, self).__str__()] info.append(f'network : {}') return '\n'.join(info)
[docs] class FunctionDecisionNode(DesicionNode): node_type = 'function' def __init__(self, name: str, input_names: List[str], input_descriptions: List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]): super().__init__(name, input_names, input_descriptions) self.node_function = None self.node_function_type = None
[docs] def register_node_function(self, node_function : Union[Callable[[Dict[str, np.ndarray]], np.ndarray], Callable[[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]], torch.Tensor]], node_function_type : str): self.node_function = node_function self.node_function_type = node_function_type
[docs] def remove_node_function(self): self.node_function = None self.node_function_type = None
[docs] def delta_node_function(self, data): assert"next_") node_name =[5:] delta_node_name = "delta_" + node_name return data[node_name] + data[delta_node_name]
[docs] def call(self, data : Dict[str, torch.Tensor], *args, **kwargs) -> Union[torch.Tensor, ReviveDistribution]: ''' NOTE: if there is any provided function defined in numpy, this process cannot maintain gradients ''' data = self.get_inputs(data) torch_data = list(data.values())[0] data_type = 'torch' deprocessed_data = self.processor.deprocess_torch(data) # Automatically detect node function type if self.node_function_type == 'none': try: output = self.node_function(deprocessed_data) if torch.isinf(torch.mean(output)).item(): logger.error(f"Find inf in {} node function output {output}") raise ValueError(f"Find inf in {} node function output {output}") if torch.isnan(torch.mean(output)).item(): logger.error(f"Find nan in {} node function output {output}") raise ValueError(f"Find nan in {} node function output {output}") output = self.processor.process_single_torch(output, self.node_function_type = "torch" logger.warning(f"Automatically parse '{}' node function into a torch functions") except: self.node_function_type = "numpy" logger.warning(f"Automatically parse '{}' node function into a numpy functions") if self.node_function_type == 'numpy': for k in deprocessed_data.keys(): deprocessed_data[k] = deprocessed_data[k].detach().cpu().numpy() # torch -> numpy data_type = 'numpy' output = self.node_function(deprocessed_data) if data_type == 'numpy': if np.isinf(np.mean(output)).item(): logger.error(f"Find inf in {} node function output {output}") raise ValueError(f"Find inf in {} node function output {output}") if np.isnan(np.mean(output)).item(): logger.error(f"Find nan in {} node function output {output}") raise ValueError(f"Find nan in {} node function output {output}") output = self.processor.process_single(output, output = torch.as_tensor(output).to(torch_data) # numpy -> torch else: if torch.isinf(torch.mean(output)).item(): logger.error(f"Find inf in {} node function output {output}") raise ValueError(f"Find inf in {} node function output {output}") if torch.isnan(torch.mean(output)).item(): logger.error(f"Find nan in {} node function output {output}") raise ValueError(f"Find nan in {} node function output {output}") output = self.processor.process_single_torch(output, return output
[docs] def export2onnx(self, onnx_file : str, verbose : bool = True): ''' export the node to onnx file, with input from original data space ''' if self.node_function_type == 'numpy': warnings.warn(f'Detect function in node `{}` with type numpy, export may be incorrect.') super(FunctionDecisionNode, self).export2onnx(onnx_file, verbose)
def __str__(self) -> str: info = [super(FunctionDecisionNode, self).__str__()] info.append(f'node function : {self.node_function}') info.append(f'node function type: {self.node_function_type}') return '\n'.join(info)
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: ''' reset the state of this node, useful when node is an RNN ''' super().reset() return self
[docs] class DesicionGraph: r''' A collection of DecisionNodes ''' def __init__(self, graph_dict : Dict[str, List[str]], descriptions : Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]], fit, metric_nodes) -> None: self.descriptions = descriptions self.graph_list = [] self.graph_dict = self.sort_graph(graph_dict) = fit self.leaf = self.get_leaf(self.graph_dict) self.transition_map = self._get_transition_map(self.graph_dict) self.external_factors = list(filter(lambda x: not x in self.transition_map.keys(), self.leaf)) self.tunable = [] self.nodes = OrderedDict() for node_name in self.graph_dict.keys(): self.nodes[node_name] = None if metric_nodes is None: self.metric_nodes = list(self.nodes.keys()) else: self.metric_nodes = [] for node in self.nodes.keys(): if node in metric_nodes: if node in self.leaf:"Node '{node}' is a leaf node, it should't be a metric node.") continue assert node in self.nodes.keys(), f"Metric node '{node}' is not in Graph, Please check yaml." self.metric_nodes.append(node) assert len(self.metric_nodes) >= 1, f"At least one non-leaf node is required for metric." self.is_target_network = False
[docs] def register_node(self, node_name : str, node_class): r''' Register a node with given node class ''' assert self.nodes[node_name] is None, f'Cannot register node `{node_name}`, the node is already registered as `{type(self.nodes[node_name])}`' input_names = self.graph_dict[node_name] self.nodes[node_name] = node_class(node_name, input_names, [self.descriptions[input_name] for input_name in input_names]) self.nodes[node_name].ts_node_frames = self.ts_node_frames self.nodes[node_name].ts_frames_config = self.ts_frames_config # TODO: UPDATE if node_class.node_type == 'function': if node_name in self.metric_nodes: self.metric_nodes.remove(node_name) assert len(self.metric_nodes) >= 1, f"At least one non-leaf node is required for metric."
@property def learnable_node_names(self) -> List[str]: r'''A list of names for learnable nodes the graph''' node_names = [] for node_name, node in self.nodes.items(): if not node.node_type == 'function': node_names.append(node_name) return node_names
[docs] def register_target_nodes(self): self.target_nodes = deepcopy(self.nodes)
[docs] def del_target_nodes(self): assert not self.is_target_network del self.target_nodes
[docs] def use_target_network(self,): if self.is_target_network is False: self.target_nodes, self.nodes = self.nodes, self.target_nodes self.is_target_network = True
[docs] def not_use_target_network(self,): if self.is_target_network is True: self.target_nodes, self.nodes = self.nodes, self.target_nodes self.is_target_network = False
[docs] def update_target_network(self, polyak=0.99): with torch.no_grad(): for node_name, node in self.nodes.items(): if not node.node_type == 'function': target_node = self.target_nodes[node_name] for p, p_targ in zip(, # NB: We use an in-place operations "mul_", "add_" to update target # params, as opposed to "mul" and "add", which would make new tensors. - polyak) *
[docs] def mark_tunable(self, node_name : str) -> None: r'''Mark a leaf variable as tunable''' assert node_name in self.external_factors, 'Only external factors can be tunable!' if node_name in self.tunable: warnings.warn(f'{node_name} is already marked as a tunable node, skip.') else: self.tunable.append(node_name)
[docs] def register_processor(self, processor : DataProcessor): r'''Register data processor to the graph and nodes''' self.processor = processor for node in self.nodes.values(): node.register_processor(self.processor)
[docs] def get_node(self, node_name : str, use_target: bool = False) -> DesicionNode: '''get the node by name''' if self.nodes[node_name].node_type == 'network': if use_target: assert hasattr(self, "target_nodes"), "Not have target nodes. You should register target nodes firstly." return self.target_nodes[node_name] return self.nodes[node_name]
[docs] def compute_node(self, node_name : str, inputs : Dict[str, torch.Tensor], use_target: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): '''compute the node by name''' if node_name in self.freeze_nodes: with torch.no_grad(): # Those nodes which are treated as freezed nodes, # the network bounding to them should be at eval() mode more than no_grad mode if self.nodes[node_name] self.nodes[node_name].network.eval() return self.get_node(node_name, use_target)(inputs, *args, **kwargs) else: return self.get_node(node_name, use_target)(inputs, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_relation_node_names(self) -> List[str]: ''' get all the nodes that related to the learning (network) nodes. NOTE: this is the default list if you have matcher and value functions. ''' node_names = [] for node in self.nodes.values(): node_name = input_names = node.input_names if not (node.node_type == 'function'): # skip function nodes for name in input_names + [node_name]: if not (name in node_names): node_names.append(name) return node_names
[docs] def get_node_value_net_node_names(self) -> List[str]: ''' get all the nodes that related to the learning (network) nodes. NOTE: this is the default list if you have matcher and value functions. ''' node_names = [] for node in self.nodes.values(): if not (node.node_type == 'function'): # skip function nodes node_names.append( return node_names
[docs] def summary_nodes(self) -> Dict[str, int]: network_nodes = 0 function_nodes = 0 unregistered_nodes = 0 unknown_nodes = 0 for node in self.nodes.values(): if node is None: unregistered_nodes += 1 else: if node.node_type == 'network': network_nodes += 1 elif node.node_type == 'function': function_nodes += 1 else: unknown_nodes += 1 return { 'network_nodes' : network_nodes, 'function_nodes' : function_nodes, 'unregistered_nodes' : unregistered_nodes, 'unknown_nodes' : unknown_nodes, }
[docs] def collect_models(self) -> List[torch.nn.Module]: '''return all the network that registered in this graph''' return [node.get_network() for node in self.nodes.values() if node.node_type == 'network']
[docs] def is_equal_venv(self, source_graph : 'DesicionGraph', policy_node) -> bool: ''' check if new graph shares the same virtual environments ''' for node_name in self.nodes.keys(): target_node = self.get_node(node_name) if node_name in policy_node: # do not judge policy node continue if target_node.node_type == "function": # do not judge env node with defined expert function logger.warning(f'Detected "{node_name}" is attached with a expert function. Please check if it is RIGHT?!') continue source_node = source_graph.get_node(node_name) if target_node.input_names != source_node.input_names: logger.warning(f'Detected "{node_name}" is attached with different input names. Please check if it is RIGHT?!') return False if target_node.input_descriptions != source_node.input_descriptions: logger.warning(f'Detected "{node_name}" is attached with different input descriptions. Please check if it is RIGHT?!') return False if target_node.node_type != source_node.node_type: logger.warning(f'Detected "{node_name}" is attached with different input node_type. Please check if it is RIGHT?!') return False return True
[docs] def is_equal_structure(self, source_graph : 'DesicionGraph') -> bool: ''' check if new graph shares the same structure ''' if self.graph_dict != source_graph.graph_dict: return False for node_name in self.nodes.keys(): target_node = self.get_node(node_name) source_node = source_graph.get_node(node_name) if target_node.input_names != source_node.input_names: return False if target_node.input_descriptions != source_node.input_descriptions: return False if target_node.node_type != source_node.node_type: return False if target_node.node_type == "function": return False return True
[docs] def copy_graph_node(self, source_graph : 'DesicionGraph') -> bool: '''try copy all the node from source graph ''' for node_name in self.nodes.keys(): target_node = self.get_node(node_name) if node_name not in source_graph.nodes.keys(): if target_node.node_type == 'network': logger.warning(f'Find new network node "{node_name}" is not in source_graph. Initialize a new network node.') elif target_node.node_type == 'function': logger.warning(f'Find new function node "{node_name}" is not in source_graph.') else: raise NotImplementedError else: try: source_node = source_graph.get_node(node_name) assert target_node.input_names == source_node.input_names assert target_node.input_descriptions == source_node.input_descriptions if source_node.node_type == 'network' and target_node.node_type == 'network': target_node.set_network(source_node.get_network()) para = sum(param.sum().item() for param in source_node.get_network().parameters()) logger.warning(f'Network copy "{node_name}" node with parameters sum {para}.') if hasattr(source_node, 'ts_conv_node'): target_node.ts_conv_node = True'Successfully copy "{node_name}" node from source_graph.') except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Failed copy "{node_name}" node from source_graph. {e}')
[docs] def get_leaf(self, graph : Dict[str, List[str]] = None) -> List[str]: ''' return the leaf of the graph in *alphabet order* ''' if graph is None: graph = self outputs = [name for name in graph.keys()] inputs = [] for names in graph.values(): inputs += names inputs = set(inputs) leaf = [name for name in inputs if name not in outputs] leaf = sorted(leaf) # make sure the order of leaf is fixed given a graph return leaf
def _get_transition_map(self, graph : Dict[str, List[str]]) -> Dict[str, str]: outputs = [name for name in graph.keys()] inputs = [] for names in graph.values(): inputs += names inputs = set(inputs) # transition = {name[5:] : name for name in outputs if name.startswith('next_') and name[5:] in inputs} transition = {name[5:] : name for name in outputs if name.startswith('next_') and (name[5:] in inputs or "ts_"+name[5:] in inputs)} return transition
[docs] def sort_graph(self, graph_dict : dict) -> OrderedDict: '''Sort arbitrary computation graph to the topological order''' ordered_graph = OrderedDict() computed = self.get_leaf(graph_dict) self.graph_list = deepcopy(computed) # sort output while len(graph_dict) > 0: find_new_node = False for output_name in sorted(graph_dict.keys()): input_names = graph_dict[output_name] if all([name in computed for name in input_names]): ordered_graph[output_name] = graph_dict.pop(output_name) computed.append(output_name) self.graph_list.append(output_name) find_new_node = True break if not find_new_node: raise ValueError('Cannot find any computable node, check if there are loops or isolations on the graph!\n' + \ f'current computed nodes: {computed}, node waiting to be computed: {graph_dict}') # sort input for output_name, input_names in ordered_graph.items(): sorted_input_names = [] if output_name.startswith('next_') and output_name[5:] in input_names: sorted_input_names.append(output_name[5:]) input_names.pop(input_names.index(output_name[5:])) for name in computed: if name in input_names: for i_name in input_names: if i_name == name: sorted_input_names.append(name) sorted_input_names.sort() ordered_graph[output_name] = sorted_input_names assert self._is_sort_graph(ordered_graph), f"{ordered_graph}, graph is not correctly sorted!" return ordered_graph
def _is_sort_graph(self, graph : OrderedDict) -> bool: ''' check if a graph is sorted ''' computed = self.get_leaf(graph) for output_name, input_names in graph.items(): for name in input_names: if not name in computed: return False computed.append(output_name) return True
[docs] def to(self, device : str) -> 'DesicionGraph': for node in self.nodes.values(): return self
[docs] def requires_grad_(self, mode : bool = False) -> 'DesicionGraph': for node in self.nodes.values(): node.requires_grad_(mode) return self
[docs] def eval(self) -> 'DesicionGraph': for node in self.nodes.values(): node.eval() return self
[docs] def reset(self) -> 'DesicionGraph': ''' reset graph, useful for stateful graph ''' for node in self.nodes.values(): node.reset() return self
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name : str) -> List[str]: return self.graph_dict[name]
[docs] def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]: return self.graph_dict.keys()
[docs] def values(self) -> Iterable[List[str]]: return self.graph_dict.values()
[docs] def items(self) -> Iterable[Dict[str, List[str]]]: return self.graph_dict.items()
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.graph_dict)
def __str__(self) -> str: node_info = [node.__str__() for node in self.nodes.values()] return '\n\n'.join(node_info)
[docs] def __call__(self, state : Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: ''' compute the whole graph, from leaf node to all output nodes ''' assert all([node_name in state.keys() for node_name in self.leaf]) for node_name, node in self.nodes.items(): output = node(state) if isinstance(output, torch.Tensor): action = output else: action = output.mode action = torch.clamp(action, -1, 1) state[node_name] = action actions = {node_name : state[node_name] for node_name in self.nodes.keys()} return actions
[docs] def state_transition(self, state : Dict[str, torch.Tensor], copy : bool = False) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: new_state = {} for new_name, old_name in self.transition_map.items(): new_state[new_name] = state[old_name] if copy: new_state = deepcopy(new_state) return new_state
[docs] def export2onnx(self, onnx_file : str, verbose : bool = True): ''' export the graph to onnx file, with input from original data space ''' assert self.processor is not None, 'please register processor before export!' for node_name, node in self.nodes.items(): if node.node_type == 'function': if node.node_function_type == 'numpy': warnings.warn(f'Detect function in node {node_name} with type numpy, may be incorrect.') graph = deepcopy(self) graph = graph.reset() graph ='cpu') graph.requires_grad_(False) graph.eval() class ExportHelper(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, state : Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: state = graph.processor.process_torch(state) actions = graph(state) actions = graph.processor.deprocess_torch(actions) return tuple([actions[node_name] for node_name in graph.nodes.keys()]) demo_inputs = {} dynamic_axes={} for name in self.leaf: description = self.descriptions[name] demo_inputs[name] = torch.randn(len(description), dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0) dynamic_axes[name] = [0] torch.onnx.export(ExportHelper(), (demo_inputs,{}), onnx_file, verbose=verbose, input_names=self.leaf, output_names=list(self.nodes.keys()), dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, opset_version=11)