from __future__ import annotations
POLIXIR REVIVE, copyright (C) 2021-2025 Polixir Technologies Co., Ltd., is
distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL).
POLIXIR REVIVE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Union, Tuple, List
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from functools import partial
import time
import numpy as np
from import pc as _pc
from import fci as _fci
from import cdnod as _cdnod
from import ges as _ges
from import bic_exact_search
from import lingam as _lingam
from import ANM
from causallearn.utils.cit import fisherz, chisq, gsq, mv_fisherz, kci, CIT
from causallearn.utils.PCUtils.BackgroundKnowledge import BackgroundKnowledge
# callback function: (current step, total step, current graph, whether use probability) -> Any
_CALLBACK_TYPE = Callable[[int, int, np.ndarray, bool], Any]
"fisherz": fisherz,
"chisq": chisq,
"gsq": gsq,
"mv_fisherz": mv_fisherz,
"kci": kci
""" causal discovery methods """
# constraint-based
def pc(
data: np.ndarray,
indep: str = 'fisherz',
thresh: float = 0.05,
bg_rules: Optional[BackgroundKnowledge] = None,
callback: Optional[_CALLBACK_TYPE] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
# start
if callback:
callback(0, 1, np.zeros((data.shape[-1], data.shape[-1])), False)
cg = _pc(data, thresh, indep, True, 0, -1, background_knowledge=bg_rules)
# end
if callback:
callback(1, 1, cg.G.graph, False)
return cg.G.graph, False
def fci(
data: np.ndarray,
indep: str = 'fisherz',
thresh: float = 0.05,
bg_rules: Union[BackgroundKnowledge, None] = None,
callback: Optional[_CALLBACK_TYPE] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
# start
if callback:
callback(0, 1, np.zeros((data.shape[-1], data.shape[-1])), False)
G, _ = _fci(data, indep, thresh, verbose=False, background_knowledge=bg_rules)
# end
if callback:
callback(1, 1, G.graph, False)
return G.graph, False
def inter_cit(
data: np.ndarray,
indep: str = "fisherz",
inter_classes: Iterable[Iterable[Iterable[int]]] = [],
in_parallel: bool = True,
parallel_limit: int = 5,
callback: Optional[_CALLBACK_TYPE] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
""" use cit to discover the relations of variables
inter different classes (indicated by indices)
n = data.shape[1]
# initialize p-values graph and cit method
p_values = np.zeros((n, n))
cit = CIT(data, method=indep, **kwargs)
# completed task counter
completed = mp.Value("d", 0)
# task parameters: cit algorithm, result matrix, input index, output index,
# condition indices, callback, completed counter, total task number, (, lock)
task_params = []
for inter_pair in inter_classes:
assert len(inter_pair) == 2, "Can only test relation between two classes"
input_indices, output_indices = inter_pair[0], inter_pair[1]
for idx in range(len(input_indices)):
i = input_indices[idx]
for o in output_indices:
# params: cit algorithm, result matrix, input index,
# output index, condition indices, completed counter
"cit": cit,
"mat": p_values,
"in_idx": i,
"out_idx": o,
"c_indices": input_indices[:idx]+input_indices[idx+1:],
"counter": completed,
"callback": callback,
# add total task number into the params
for tp in task_params:
tp["tot"] = len(task_params)
# start
if callback:
callback(int(completed.value), len(task_params), p_values, True)
# task function
def do_cit_once(params):
cit_alg, mat, x, y, C, cb, cnt, tot = itemgetter(
"cit", "mat", "in_idx", "out_idx", "c_indices", "callback", "counter", "tot")(params)
l = params["lock"] if "lock" in params else None
mat[x, y] = 1 - cit_alg(x, y, condition_set=C)
# modify number of completed tasks
if l:
cnt.value += 1
if l:
# callback
if cb:
callback(int(cnt.value), tot, mat, True)
if in_parallel:
# parallel running
lock = mp.Lock()
for tp in task_params:
tp["lock"] = lock
pool = ThreadPool(parallel_limit), task_params)
# sequential running
for i, tp in enumerate(task_params):
return p_values, True
# FCM-based
def lingam(
data: np.ndarray,
ver: str = 'ica',
callback: Optional[_CALLBACK_TYPE] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
model = _lingam.ICALiNGAM()
if ver == 'direct':
model = _lingam.DirectLiNGAM()
elif ver == 'var':
model = _lingam.VARLiNGAM()
elif ver == 'rcd':
model = _lingam.RCD()
# start
if callback:
callback(0, 1, np.zeros(data.shape[-1], data.shape[-1]), True)
if ver == 'var':
adj_matrix = model.adjacency_matrices_[0]
adj_matrix = model.adjacency_matrix_
# end
if callback:
callback(1, 1, np.abs(adj_matrix).T, True)
return np.abs(adj_matrix).T, True
def anm(
data: np.ndarray,
kernelX: str = "Gaussian",
kernelY: str = "Gaussian",
callback: Optional[_CALLBACK_TYPE] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
model = ANM(kernelX, kernelY)
graph = np.zeros((data.shape[-1], data.shape[-1]))
# start
if callback:
callback(0,, graph, True)
# orient edge by edge
for i in range(graph.shape[0]):
for j in range(graph.shape[1]):
p_value_f, p_value_b = model.cause_or_effect(data[:, i:i+1], data[:, j:j+1])
graph[i, j], graph[j, i] = p_value_f, p_value_b
# callback
if callback:
callback(i * graph.shape[1] + j + 1,, graph, True)
return graph, True
# score-based
"BIC", "BDeu", "CV_general", "marginal_general", "CV_multi", "marginal_multi",
def ges(
data: np.ndarray,
score_func: str = 'BIC',
callback: Optional[_CALLBACK_TYPE] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
assert score_func in _AVAILABLE_SCORE_FNS, \
"Do not support score function '{}' (available score functions: '{}')".format(
score_func, "', '".join(_AVAILABLE_SCORE_FNS))
load_func = f"local_score_{score_func}"
# start
if callback:
callback(0, 1, np.zeros((data.shape[-1], data.shape[-1])), False)
record = _ges(data, load_func)
# end
if callback:
callback(1, 1, record['G'].graph, False)
return record['G'].graph, False
"astar", "dp",
def exact_search(
data: np.ndarray,
method: str = 'astar',
callback: Optional[_CALLBACK_TYPE] = None,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
assert method in _AVAILABLE_SEARCH_METHODS, \
"Do not support search method '{}' (available search methods: '{}')".format(
method, "', '".join(_AVAILABLE_SEARCH_METHODS))
# start
if callback:
callback(0, 1, np.zeros((data.shape[-1], data.shape[-1])), False)
dag, _ = bic_exact_search(data, search_method=method)
# end
if callback:
callback(1, 1, dag, False)
return dag, False
class Graph:
""" Causal graph class """
def __init__(
graph: np.ndarray,
is_real: bool = False,
thresh_info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> None:
:param graph: ndarray, causal-learn style adjacency matrix,
shape [state_dim + action_dim + state_dim, state_dim + action_dim + state_dim]
:param is_real: whether the every element in graph is a real number
:param thresh_info: information about the threshold of the graph, only used when the
elements of the graph is real numbers
assert graph.shape[0] == graph.shape[1], "Graph required to be a square matrix"
self._graph = graph.copy()
self._is_real = is_real
self._thresh_info = thresh_info
self._adj_mat = self._format_graph(graph)
def _format_graph(self, mat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
""" format binary causal-learn style graph as adjacency matrix (DAG) """
# causal-learn style binary matrix, -1 represents
# the start of an edge, 1 represents the end of an edge
mat = mat.copy()
if not self._is_real:
mat[np.arange(mat.shape[0]), np.arange(mat.shape[0])] = 0
# i -> j
single_direct = (mat == -1) & (mat.T == 1)
# i - j or i <-> j
bi_direct = ((mat == -1) & (mat.T == -1)) | ((mat == 1) & (mat == 1))
# other area
mat[(~single_direct) & (~bi_direct)] = 0
# i -> j (m[i, j]=1, m[j, i]=0)
mat[single_direct] = 1
mat[single_direct.T] = 0
# i - j or i <-> j (m[i, j] = m[j, i] = 1)
mat[bi_direct] = 1
mat[bi_direct.T] = 1
return mat
def graph(self):
""" raw graph """
return self._graph
def thresh_info(self):
""" information about threshold """
return self._thresh_info
def get_adj_matrix(self):
""" return transition graph [S+A+S, S] (binary or real) """
return self._adj_mat
def get_binary_adj_matrix(self, thresh=None):
""" return binary transition graph (with threshold specified) """
if self._is_real:
if thresh is None:
thresh = 0.
return (self._adj_mat > thresh).astype(int)
return self._adj_mat
def get_binary_adj_matrix_by_sparsity(self, sparsity=None):
""" return binary transition graph (with sparsity specified) """
if self._is_real:
thresh = 0.
if sparsity is not None:
assert 0 <= sparsity and sparsity <= 1
flatten_mat = self._adj_mat.reshape(-1)
last_ele = int(np.floor(len(flatten_mat) * sparsity))
last_ele = len(flatten_mat)-1 if last_ele >= len(flatten_mat) else last_ele
arg_sorted = np.argsort(flatten_mat)
thresh = flatten_mat[arg_sorted[last_ele]]
return self.get_binary_adj_matrix(thresh)
return self._adj_mat
class TransitionGraph(Graph):
""" RL transition graph class """
def __init__(
graph: np.ndarray,
state_dim: int,
action_dim: int,
is_real: bool = False,
thresh_info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> None:
:param graph: ndarray, causal-learn style adjacency matrix,
shape [state_dim + action_dim + state_dim, state_dim + action_dim + state_dim]
:param state_dim: int, the dimension of state variables
:param action_dim: int, the dimension of action variables
:param is_real: whether the every element in graph is a real number
:param thresh_info: information about the threshold of the graph, only used when the
elements of the graph is real numbers
self._state_dim = state_dim
self._action_dim = action_dim
super().__init__(graph, is_real, thresh_info)
def _format_graph(self, mat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
""" format binary graph [S+A+S, S+A+S] as transition graph [S+A+S, S] """
mat = mat.copy()
if not self._is_real:
# causal-learn style binary matrix, -1 represents
# the start of an edge, 1 represents the end of an edge
# state, action -> next_state
inter_mat = mat[
:self._state_dim+self._action_dim, self._state_dim+self._action_dim:]
inter_mat[inter_mat == -1] = 1
# state -> action
inter_mat = mat[:self._state_dim, self._state_dim:self._state_dim+self._action_dim]
inter_mat[inter_mat == -1] = 1
# next_state -> next_state
next_state_dim = mat.shape[0] - self._state_dim - self._action_dim
for i in range(next_state_dim):
start_idx = self._state_dim + self._action_dim + i
# no loop
mat[start_idx, start_idx] = 0
for j in range(i + 1, next_state_dim):
end_idx = self._state_dim + self._action_dim + j
# start -> end
if mat[start_idx, end_idx] == -1 \
and mat[end_idx, start_idx] == 1:
mat[start_idx, end_idx] = 1
mat[end_idx, start_idx] = 0
# end -> start
elif mat[start_idx, end_idx] == 1 \
and mat[end_idx, start_idx] == -1:
mat[start_idx, end_idx] = 0
mat[end_idx, start_idx] = 1
# start - end
elif mat[start_idx, end_idx] \
== mat[end_idx, start_idx] == -1:
mat[start_idx, end_idx] = mat[end_idx, start_idx] = 1
# start <-> end
# TODO: handle unobserved confounder
elif mat[start_idx, end_idx] \
== mat[end_idx, start_idx] == 1:
mat[start_idx, end_idx] = mat[end_idx, start_idx] = 1
# no ... -> state
mat[:, :self._state_dim] = 0.
# no action | next state -> action
mat[self._state_dim:, self._state_dim:self._state_dim+self._action_dim] = 0.
return mat
class DiscoveryModule(ABC):
""" Base class for causal discovery modules """
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
self._graph: Union[Graph, None] = None
def fit(self, data: Any, **kwargs) -> DiscoveryModule:
def graph(self) -> Union[Graph, None]:
return self._graph
class ClassicalDiscovery(DiscoveryModule):
""" Classical causal discovery algorithms """
"pc": pc,
"fci": fci,
"lingam": lingam,
"anm": anm,
"ges": ges,
"exact_search": exact_search,
# designed only for transition graph
"inter_cit": inter_cit,
"anm": {
"min": 0., "max": 1., "common": 0.5,
"inter_cit": {
"min": 0., "max": 1., "common": 0.8,
"lingam": {
"min": 0., "max": float("inf"), "common": 0.01,
def __init__(
alg: str = "inter_cit",
alg_args: Dict[str, Any] = {"indep": "kci", "in_parallel": False},
state_keys: Optional[List[str]] = ["obs"],
action_keys: Optional[List[str]] = ["action"],
next_state_keys: Optional[List[str]] = ["next_obs"],
limit: Optional[int] = 100,
use_residual: bool = True,
) -> None:
:param alg: str, algorithm name, options include
'pc': Peter-Clark algorithm,
'fci': Fast Causal Inference,
'lingam': Linear Non-Gaussian Model,
'anm': Additive Nonlinear Model,
'ges': Greedy Equivalence Search,
'exact_search': Exact Search,
:param alg_args: additional arguments for the algorithm used,
indep: str, conditional independence test used, including
'fisherz': Fisher's Z conditional independence test,
'chisq': Chi-squared conditional independence test,
'gsq': G-squared conditional independence test,
'kci': Kernel-based conditional independence test,
'mv_fisherz': Missing-value Fisher's Z conditional independence test,
thresh: float, level of significance for conditional independence test
fci: the same as pc
indep: the same as 'indep' in pc,
in_parallel: whether run the algorithm in parallel,
parallel_limit: limit of the number of workers
ver: the version of linear non-Gaussian model to use, including
'ica': ICA-based LiNGAM,
'direct': DirectLiNGAM,
'var': VAR-LiNGAM,
'rcd': RCD (repetitive causal discovery)
kernelX: the kernel function for cause data, including
'Gaussian': Gaussian kernel,
'Polynomial': Polynomial kernel,
'Linear': Linear kernel,
kernelY: the kernel function for effect data, options are the same as kernelX
score_func: score function used to score the graph, including
'BIC': BIC score,
'BDeu': BDeu score,
'CV_general': Generalized score with cross validation
for data with single-dimensional variables
'marginal_general': Generalized score with marginal likelihood
for data with single-dimensional variables
'CV_multi': Generalized score with cross validation
for data with multi-dimensional variables
'marginal_multi': Generalized score with marginal likelihood
for data with multi-dimensional variables
method: the search method used, including:
'dp': dynamic programming (DP),
'astar': A* search,
:param state_keys: list[str] | None, specifying the keys of
states in the input data dictionary (None indicating not using transition data)
:param action_keys: list[str] | None, specifying the keys of
actions in the input data dictionary (None indicating not using transition data)
:param next_state_keys: list[str] | None, specifying the keys of
next states in the input data dictionary (None indicating not using transition data)
:param limit: int | None, limit for the number of data samples used
:param residual: bool, whether use residual as next states (only for transition data)
assert alg in ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS \
or alg in ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS_TRANSITION, \
"Do not support algorithm {} (available: '{}')".format(
alg, "', '".join(
list(ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS.keys()) + list(ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS_TRANSITION.keys())
assert (state_keys is not None and action_keys is not None and next_state_keys is not None) \
or (state_keys is None and action_keys is None and next_state_keys is None), \
"state, action, next states keys should all be None or not None"
self._support_transition = state_keys is not None
if self._support_transition:
assert len(state_keys) > 0 and len(action_keys) > 0 and len(next_state_keys) > 0, \
"state, action, next states keys can not be empty"
self._alg_name = alg
if alg in ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS:
self._alg = ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS[alg]
assert self._support_transition, f"{alg} only work for transition data"
self._alg = ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS_TRANSITION[alg]
self._alg_args = alg_args
self._state_keys = state_keys
self._action_keys = action_keys
self._next_state_keys = next_state_keys
self._limit = limit
self._use_residual = use_residual
def _extract_data(
self, data_dict: Dict[str, np.ndarray]
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
states = itemgetter(*self._state_keys)(data_dict)
actions = itemgetter(*self._action_keys)(data_dict)
next_states = itemgetter(*self._next_state_keys)(data_dict)
if isinstance(states, tuple):
states = np.concatenate(states, axis=-1)
if isinstance(actions, tuple):
actions = np.concatenate(actions, axis=-1)
if isinstance(next_states, tuple):
next_states = np.concatenate(next_states, axis=-1)
return states, actions, next_states
def _build_graph(
graph_mat: np.ndarray,
is_real: bool,
state_dim: Optional[int] = None,
action_dim: Optional[int] = None,
""" build graph with graph adjacency matrix and whether the elements are real numbers
:param graph_mat: ndarray, adjacency matrix of the graph
:param is_real: whether the elements in the graph is real numbers
:param state_dim: int or None, if not None, indicating the graph is a transition graph,
data is shaped as [state_dim, action_dim, next_state_dim (state_dim)]
:param action_dim: int or None, similar with state_dim
# information about the threshold of the edge existence (None if the graph is binary)
thresh_info = None
if self._alg_name in ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS_THRESH_INFO:
thresh_info = ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS_THRESH_INFO[self._alg_name]
if state_dim is not None and action_dim is not None:
# build a transition graph
self._graph = TransitionGraph(graph_mat, state_dim, action_dim,
is_real, thresh_info)
# build a regular graph
self._graph = Graph(graph_mat, is_real, thresh_info)
def _fit_transition(
data: np.ndarray,
state_dim: int,
action_dim: int
) -> ClassicalDiscovery:
""" fit the discovery module to transition data
:param data: ndarray, transition data, aranged by states, actions, next_states
:param state_dim: int, dimension of states
:param action_dim: int, dimension of actions
:return: the module itself
if self._alg_name in ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS:
# build general rl background knowledge rules
obs_act_pattern = "^(%s)$" % "|".join(
"X%d" % i for i in range(1, state_dim+action_dim+1))
next_obs_pattern = "^(%s)$" % "|".join(
"X%d" % i for i in range(state_dim+action_dim+1, data.shape[-1]+1))
obs_pattern = "^(%s)$" % "|".join("X%d" % i for i in range(1, state_dim+1))
act_pattern = "^(%s)$" % "|".join(
"X%d" % i for i in range(state_dim+1, state_dim+action_dim+1))
bg_rules = BackgroundKnowledge()
# forbid next state -> state | action
# forbid action -> state
bg_rules.add_forbidden_by_pattern(act_pattern, obs_pattern)
# causal discovery algorithm, return a graph matrix
# and whether the element of the matrix is real number
graph, is_real = self._alg(data, bg_rules=bg_rules,
# build general rl transition variable classes
inter_classes = [
# state -> action
list(range(state_dim, state_dim + action_dim))
# state, action -> next state
list(range(state_dim + action_dim)),
list(range(state_dim + action_dim, data.shape[1]))
# causal discovery algorithm, return a graph matrix
# and whether the element of the matrix is real number
graph, is_real = self._alg(data, inter_classes=inter_classes,
# build transition graph
self._build_graph(graph, is_real, state_dim, action_dim)
return self
def _fit_all(self, data: np.ndarray) -> ClassicalDiscovery:
""" fit the discovery module to general data
:param data: [num_samples x num_features]
:return: the module itself
graph, is_real = self._alg(data, bg_rules=None, **self._alg_args)
# build graph
self._build_graph(graph, is_real)
return self
def fit(
data: Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
fit_transition: bool = True,
) -> ClassicalDiscovery:
""" fit the discovery module to transition data or general data
:param data: dict[str, ndarray] | ndarray,
transition data dictionary or general data matrix
:return: the module itself
if fit_transition:
assert isinstance(data, dict), "need transition data format"
assert self._support_transition, \
"fitting transition data needs specifying keys"
states, actions, next_states = self._extract_data(data)
state_dim, action_dim = states.shape[-1], actions.shape[-1]
assert states.shape[0] == actions.shape[0] == next_states.shape[0], \
"Transition data shape mismatch"
# prepare data
if self._use_residual:
assert next_states.shape[1] == states.shape[1]
next_states -= states
data = np.concatenate([states, actions, next_states], axis=-1)
assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray), "need general data format"
assert self._alg_name not in ClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS_TRANSITION, \
f"{self._alg_name} only work for transition data"
# limited data samples
limit = self._limit if self._limit is not None else data.shape[0]
if limit <= data.shape[0]:
indices = np.random.choice(data.shape[0],
size=limit, replace=False)
data = data[indices]
# start fitting
if fit_transition:
return self._fit_transition(data, state_dim, action_dim)
return self._fit_all(data)
class AsyncClassicalDiscovery(ClassicalDiscovery):
""" Classical causal discovery algorithms (support asynchronous ver.) """
def __init__(
alg: str = "inter_cit",
alg_args: Dict[str, Any] = { "indep": "kci","in_parallel": False },
state_keys: Optional[List[str]] = ["obs"],
action_keys: Optional[List[str]] = ["action"],
next_state_keys: Optional[List[str]] = ["next_obs"],
limit: Optional[int] = 100,
use_residual: bool = True,
callback: Optional[_CALLBACK_TYPE] = None,
) -> None:
alg, alg_args, state_keys, action_keys,
next_state_keys, limit, use_residual, **kwargs)
self._custom_callback = callback
# init progress management
self.cur_step = None
self.tot_step = None
self.start_time = None
self.remaining_time = None
self.is_running = False
def _before_start(self):
""" recording done before discovery starts """
self.cur_step = 0
self.tot_step = 0
self.start_time = time.time()
self.remaining_time = float("inf")
self.is_running = True
def _after_end(self):
""" recording done after discovery ends """
self.is_running = False
def _callback(
cur_step: int,
tot_step: int,
graph: np.ndarray,
is_real: bool,
state_dim: Optional[int] = None,
action_dim: Optional[int] = None,
# record progress
self.cur_step = cur_step
self.tot_step = tot_step
self.elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time
if self.cur_step != 0:
self.remaining_time = self.elapsed_time * (tot_step / cur_step - 1)
# record graph
self._build_graph(graph, is_real, state_dim, action_dim)
# custom callback
if self._custom_callback:
self._custom_callback(cur_step, tot_step, graph, is_real)
def set_callback(self, callback: _CALLBACK_TYPE):
""" set custom callback function """
self._custom_callback = callback
def fit(
data: Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
fit_transition: bool = True
) -> ClassicalDiscovery:
if fit_transition:
assert isinstance(data, dict), "need transition data format"
assert self._support_transition, \
"fitting transition data needs specifying keys"
states, actions, next_states = self._extract_data(data)
state_dim, action_dim = states.shape[-1], actions.shape[-1]
assert states.shape[0] == actions.shape[0] == next_states.shape[0], \
"Transition data shape mismatch"
# prepare data
if self._use_residual:
assert next_states.shape[1] == states.shape[1]
next_states -= states
data = np.concatenate([states, actions, next_states], axis=-1)
assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray), "need general data format"
assert self._alg_name not in AsyncClassicalDiscovery.CLASSICAL_ALGOS_TRANSITION, \
f"{self._alg_name} only work for transition data"
state_dim = action_dim = None
# limited data samples
limit = self._limit if self._limit is not None else data.shape[0]
if limit <= data.shape[0]:
indices = np.random.choice(data.shape[0], size=limit, replace=False)
data = data[indices]
# add callback into the algorithm arguments
self._alg_args["callback"] = partial(
self._callback, state_dim=state_dim, action_dim=action_dim)
# start fitting
if fit_transition:
return self._fit_transition(data, state_dim, action_dim)
return self._fit_all(data)
# finished
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" basic case for transition data """
states = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=10000).reshape(-1, 2)
actions = np.tanh(states[:, 0:1])
delta_states = 2*states + actions + np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, size=10000).reshape(-1, 2)
next_states = delta_states + states
# default keys
data_dict = {"obs": states, "action": actions, "next_obs": next_states}
# default keys are not None, the module supports transition data
discover_module = ClassicalDiscovery(), fit_transition=True)
# threshshold information (maybe None)
print("graph threshold information\n", discover_module.graph.thresh_info)
# for debug or private usage
print("algorithm output graph\n", discover_module.graph.graph)
# raw adjacent matrix
print("transition graph\n", discover_module.graph.get_adj_matrix())
# get binary matrix by indicating threshold (recommended)
# 0.95 is a proper threshold for default method "inter_cit" (bounded in [0,1])
"binary transition graph by threshold\n",
# get binary matrix by indicating sparsity (need prior knowledge)
"binary transition graph by sparsity\n",
""" multi-keys """
states2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=5000).reshape(-1, 1)
delta_states2 = states2 - actions \
+ np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, size=5000).reshape(-1, 1)
next_states2 = delta_states2 + states2
data_dict2 = {
"obs1": states, "obs2": states2,
"action": actions,
"next_obs1": next_states, "next_obs2": next_states2
# keys are not None, the module supports transition data
discover_module = ClassicalDiscovery(
state_keys=["obs1", "obs2"],
next_state_keys=["next_obs1", "next_obs2"]
), fit_transition=True)
# threshshold information (maybe None)
print("graph threshold information\n", discover_module.graph.thresh_info)
# for debug or private usage
print("algorithm output graph\n", discover_module.graph.graph)
# raw adjacent matrix
print("transition graph\n", discover_module.graph.get_adj_matrix())
# get binary matrix by indicating threshold (recommended)
# 0.95 is a proper threshold for default method "inter_cit" (bounded in [0,1])
"binary transition graph by threshold\n",
# get binary matrix by indicating sparsity (need prior knowledge)
"binary transition graph by sparsity\n",
""" basic case for general data (default algorithm does not support general data) """
discover_module = ClassicalDiscovery(
alg_args={"ver": "direct"},
s = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 5000).reshape(-1, 1)
a = 1.1 * s + np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, size=5000).reshape(-1, 1)
s_ = s + a + np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, size=5000).reshape(-1, 1)
data = np.concatenate((s, a, s_), axis=-1), fit_transition=False)
# threshshold information (maybe None)
print("graph threshold information\n", discover_module.graph.thresh_info)
# for debug or private usage
print("algorithm output graph\n", discover_module.graph.graph)
# raw adjacent matrix
print("transition graph\n", discover_module.graph.get_adj_matrix())
# get binary matrix by indicating threshold (recommended)
# 0.01 is a proper threshold for method "lingam" (>=0, not upper bounded)
"binary transition graph by threshold\n",
# get binary matrix by indicating sparsity (need prior knowledge)
"binary transition graph by sparsity\n",
""" use more data to acquire a more accurate result """
discover_module = ClassicalDiscovery(
# run in parallel
alg_args={"indep": "kci", "in_parallel": True, "parallel_limit": 5},
state_keys=["obs1", "obs2"],
next_state_keys=["next_obs1", "next_obs2"],
), fit_transition=True)
# threshshold information (maybe None)
print("graph threshold information\n", discover_module.graph.thresh_info)
# for debug or private usage
print("algorithm output graph\n", discover_module.graph.graph)
# raw adjacent matrix
print("transition graph\n", discover_module.graph.get_adj_matrix())
# get binary matrix by indicating threshold (recommended)
# 0.95 is a proper threshold for default method "inter_cit" (bounded in [0,1])
"binary transition graph by threshold\n",
# get binary matrix by indicating sparsity (need prior knowledge)
"binary transition graph by sparsity\n",
""" use callback to informing progress """
async_discover_module = AsyncClassicalDiscovery(
state_keys=["obs1", "obs2"],
next_state_keys=["next_obs1", "next_obs2"],
# callback can be set when constructing
# callback type should be `_CALLBACK_TYPE`, see related comments
def callback(cur_step: int, tot_step: int, cur_raw_graph: np.ndarray, is_real: bool):
print(f"current step {cur_step}, total step {tot_step}, current raw graph {cur_raw_graph},"
f" whether the elements of the graph is real number {is_real}")
# can also get progress information from the module
print(f"current step {async_discover_module.cur_step},"
f" total step {async_discover_module.tot_step}")
print(f"start time {async_discover_module.start_time}")
print(f"time elapsed {async_discover_module.elapsed_time}")
print(f"is running {async_discover_module.is_running}")
print(f"estimated remaining time {async_discover_module.remaining_time}")
print("currnet graph {}".format(
print("=" * 20)
# callback can also be set after constructed
# start fitting, fit_transition=True)
print(f"is running {async_discover_module.is_running}")
# threshshold information (maybe None)
print("graph threshold information\n", async_discover_module.graph.thresh_info)
# for debug or private usage
print("algorithm output graph\n", async_discover_module.graph.graph)
# raw adjacent matrix
print("transition graph\n", async_discover_module.graph.get_adj_matrix())
# get binary matrix by indicating threshold (recommended)
# 0.95 is a proper threshold for default method "inter_cit" (bounded in [0,1])
"binary transition graph by threshold\n",
# get binary matrix by indicating sparsity (need prior knowledge)
"binary transition graph by sparsity\n",