
Submodules module

class dict | Batch | Sequence[dict | Batch] | ndarray | None = None, copy: bool = False, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: object

__getitem__(index: str | slice | int | ndarray | List[int]) Any[source]

Return self[index].

__setitem__(index: str | slice | int | ndarray | List[int], value: Any) None[source]

Assign value to self[index].

to_numpy() None[source]

Change all torch.Tensor to numpy.ndarray in-place.

detach() None[source]

Detach the tensor in batch data

to_torch(dtype: dtype | None = None, device: str | int | device = 'cpu') None[source]

Change all numpy.ndarray to torch.Tensor in-place.

cat_(batches: Batch | Sequence[dict | Batch]) None[source]

Concatenate a list of (or one) Batch objects into current batch.

static cat(batches: Sequence[dict | Batch]) Batch[source]
stack_(batches: Sequence[dict | Batch], axis: int = 0) None[source]

Stack a list of Batch object into current batch.

static stack(batches: Sequence[dict | Batch], axis: int = 0) Batch[source]
empty_(index: slice | int | ndarray | List[int] | None = None) Batch[source]
static empty(batch: Batch, index: slice | int | ndarray | List[int] | None = None) Batch[source]
update(batch: dict | Batch | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Update this batch from another dict/Batch.

__len__() int[source]

Return len(self).

is_empty(recurse: bool = False) bool[source]
property shape: List[int]

Return self.shape.

split(size: int, dim: int = 0, shuffle: bool = True, merge_last: bool = False) Iterator[Batch][source] module

class str, config_file: str, revive_config: dict | None = None, ignore_check: bool = False, horizon: int | None = None, reward_func=None)[source]

Bases: Dataset

An offline dataset class.


The file path where the training dataset is stored.


The file path where the data description file is stored.


Length of iteration trajectory.


Set the dataset in transition mode. __getitem__ will return a transition.

trajectory_mode_(horizon: int | None = None, fix_sample: bool = False)[source]

Set the dataset in trajectory mode. __getitem__ will return a clip of trajectory.

set_horizon(horizon: int)[source]

Set the horzion for loading data


Get the config of distributions for each node based on the given model config.


The given model config.


config of distributions for each node.


dimensions for each node when it is considered as input and output. (Output dimensions can be different from input dimensions due to the parameterized distribution)

__len__() int[source]
__getitem__(index: int, raw: bool = False) Batch[source]
split(ratio: float = 0.5, mode: str = 'outside_traj', recall: bool = False) Tuple[OfflineDataset, OfflineDataset][source]

split the dataset into train and validation with the given ratio and mode


Ratio to split validate dataset if it is not explicitly given.


Mode of auto splitting training and validation dataset, choose from outside_traj and inside_traj. outside_traj means the split is happened outside the trajectories, one trajectory can only be in one dataset. ‘ + inside_traj means the split is happened inside the trajectories, former part of one trajectory is in training set, later part is in validation set.


(TrainDataset, ValidateDataset)

class str, config_file: str, revive_config: dict | None = None, ignore_check: bool = False, horizon: int | None = None, reward_func=None)[source]

Bases: OfflineDataset

trajectory_mode_(horizon: int | None = None, fix_sample: bool = False)[source]

Set the dataset in trajectory mode. __getitem__ will return a clip of trajectory.

__len__() int[source]
__getitem__(index: int, raw: bool = False) Batch[source]
class, number_samples, replacement=True)[source]

Bases: Sampler

A uniform data sampler


data_source (OfflineDataset): dataset to sample from num_samples (int): number of samples to draw. replacement (bool): samples are drawn on-demand with replacement if True, default=``False``

class, number_samples, replacement=True)[source]

Bases: Sampler

A infinite data sampler, sampler that provides infinite length of data index


data_source (OfflineDataset): dataset to sample from num_samples (int): number of samples to draw. replacement (bool): samples are drawn on-demand with replacement if True, default=``False``

class DataLoader)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper that enables infinite pre-fetching, must use together with InfiniteUniformSampler List[Batch], graph: DesicionGraph) Batch[source]

Collection function for PyTorch DataLoader List[Batch], graph: DesicionGraph) Batch[source]

Collection function for PyTorch DataLoader OfflineDataset, config: dict, is_sample: bool = True, rnn=False)[source]

Get the PoTorch DataLoader for training dict, training_mode: str = 'trajectory', training_horizon: int | None = None, training_is_sample: bool = True, val_mode: str = 'trajectory', val_horizon: int | None = None, val_is_sample: bool = False, pre_horzion: int = 0, double: bool = False)[source]

Get train data loader and validation data loader.


train data loader and validation data loader dict, training_mode: str = 'trajectory', training_horizon: int | None = None, training_is_sample: bool = True, val_mode: str = 'trajectory', val_horizon: int | None = None, val_is_sample: bool = False, pre_horzion: int = 0, double: bool = False)[source]

Get train data loader and validation data loader.


train data loader and validation data loader module

class, processing_params, orders)[source]

Bases: object

This class deal with the data mapping between original format and the computation format.

There are two steps for mapping from original to computation:

Step 1: Reorder the data. This is to group variables with the same type to accelerate computation.

Step 2: If the variable is continuous or discrete, normalize the data to [-1, 1].

If the variable is categorical, create an onehot vector.

Mapping from computation to original is the reverse of these steps.


data_configs (dict): A dictionary containing the configuration of the input data. processing_params (dict): A dictionary containing the processing parameters. orders (list): A list of variable orders for reordering the data.

property keys
process_single_torch(data: Tensor, key: str, mode: str = 'min_max_scaler') Tensor[source]

Preprocess single data according different types of data including ‘category’, ‘continuous’, and ‘discrete’.

deprocess_single_torch(data: Tensor, key: str, mode: str = 'min_max_scaler') Tensor[source]

Post process single data according different types of data including ‘category’, ‘continuous’, and ‘discrete’.

process_torch(data, mode='min_max_scaler')[source]

Preprocess batch data according different types of data including ‘category’, ‘continuous’, and ‘discrete’.

deprocess_torch(data, mode='min_max_scaler')[source]

Post process batch data according different types of data including ‘category’, ‘continuous’, and ‘discrete’.

process_single(data: ndarray, key: str) ndarray[source]

Preprocess single data according different types of data including ‘category’, ‘continuous’, and ‘discrete’.

deprocess_single(data: ndarray, key: str) ndarray[source]

Post process single data according different types of data including ‘category’, ‘continuous’, and ‘discrete’.

process(data: Dict[str, ndarray])[source]

Preprocess batch data according different types of data including ‘category’, ‘continuous’, and ‘discrete’.

deprocess(data: Dict[str, ndarray])[source]

Post process batch data according different types of data including ‘category’, ‘continuous’, and ‘discrete’.

Module contents