Source code for

    POLIXIR REVIVE, copyright (C) 2021-2023 Polixir Technologies Co., Ltd., is 
    distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL). 
    POLIXIR REVIVE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.
import importlib
import json
import os
import shutil
import sys
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from matplotlib.pyplot import step
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import ray
import revive
import torch
import yaml
from loguru import logger
#from revive.utils.raysgd_utils import BATCH_SIZE
BATCH_SIZE = "*batch_size"
from revive.computation.funs_parser import parser
from revive.computation.graph import *
from import Batch
from import DataProcessor
from revive.utils.common_utils import find_later, load_data, plot_traj, PositionalEncoding, create_unit_vector, generate_bin_encoding

DATADIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(revive.__file__), '../data/'))

[docs]class OfflineDataset( r"""An offline dataset class. Params: :data_file: The file path where the training dataset is stored. :config_file: The file path where the data description file is stored. :horizon: Length of iteration trajectory. """ def __init__(self, data_file : str, config_file : str, revive_config : dict, ignore_check : bool = False, horizon : int = None, reward_func = None): self.data_file = data_file self.config_file = config_file self.ignore_check = ignore_check self.reward_func = reward_func self.revive_config = revive_config self._raw_data = None self._raw_config = None self._pre_data(self.config_file, self.data_file) self._load_config(self.config_file) self._load_data(self.data_file) self.graph.ts_nodes = self.ts_nodes self.graph.ts_node_frames = self.ts_node_frames self.graph.freeze_nodes = getattr(self, "freeze_nodes", []) self.graph.nodes_loss_type = getattr(self, "nodes_loss_type", {}) # pop up unused keys used_keys = list(self.graph.keys()) + self.graph.leaf + ['done'] used_keys += list(self.ts_nodes.values()) used_keys += list([key for key in if key.endswith("_isnan_index_")]) for key in list( if key not in used_keys: try: self.raw_columns.pop(key) self.data_configs.pop(key) self.orders.pop(key) warnings.warn(f'Warning: pop up unused key: {key}') except Exception as e:"{e}") self._check_data() # construct the data processor self.processing_params = {k : self._get_process_params(, None), self.data_configs[k], self.orders[k]) for k in self.data_configs.keys()} for curr_name, next_name in self.graph.transition_map.items(): self.processing_params[next_name] = self.processing_params[curr_name] self.orders[next_name] = self.orders[curr_name] self.data_configs[next_name] = self.data_configs[curr_name] self.processor = DataProcessor(self.data_configs, self.processing_params, self.orders) self.graph.register_processor(self.processor) # separate tunable parameter from if len(self.graph.tunable) > 0: self.tunable_data = Batch() for tunable in self.graph.tunable: self.tunable_data[tunable] = else: self.tunable_data = None self.learning_nodes_num = self.graph.summary_nodes()['network_nodes'] # by default, dataset is in trajectory mode self.trajectory_mode_(horizon) if self.reward_func is not None:["_data_reward_"] = to_numpy(self.reward_func( def _pre_data(self, config_file, data_file): # parse ts_nodes with open(config_file, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: raw_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) raw_data = load_data(data_file) graph_dict = raw_config['metadata'].get('graph', None) nodes_config = raw_config['metadata'].get('nodes', None) self.ts_nodes = {} self.ts_node_frames = {} use_step_node = False self.expert_functions = raw_config['metadata'].get('expert_functions',{}) if nodes_config: ############################ append step node ############################ step_node_config = {k:v["step_input"] for k,v in nodes_config.items() if "step_input" in v.keys() } if step_node_config: pos_emd_flag = self.revive_config["use_time_step_embed"] assert "step_node_" not in raw_data.keys() trj_index = [0,] + list(raw_data["index"]) max_traj_len = np.max(np.array(trj_index[1:]) - np.array(trj_index[:-1])) step_node_data_list = [] if pos_emd_flag: d_model = self.revive_config["time_step_embed_size"] pos_emd = PositionalEncoding(d_model=d_model, max_len=max_traj_len) for trj_start_index, trj_end_index in zip(trj_index[:-1], trj_index[1:]): step_index = np.arange(0, trj_end_index-trj_start_index).reshape(-1,1) if pos_emd_flag: step_index = pos_emd.encode(step_index) step_node_data_list.append(step_index) raw_data["step_node_"] = np.concatenate(step_node_data_list, axis=0) raw_config['metadata']['columns'] += [{'step_node_': {'dim': 'step_node_', 'type': 'continuous', 'min': 0, 'max': max_traj_len*2}},] if not pos_emd_flag else [{f'step_node_{i}': {'dim': 'step_node_', 'type': 'continuous', 'min': -1, 'max': 1}} for i in range(d_model)] for node, step_node_flag in step_node_config.items(): if node not in graph_dict.keys(): continue if step_node_flag:"Append step_node data as the {node} node's input.") graph_dict[node] = graph_dict[node] + ["step_node_",] use_step_node = True # append step_node_function if use_step_node: if not pos_emd_flag: raw_config['metadata']['graph']['next_step_node_'] = ['step_node_'] # self.expert_functions = raw_config['metadata'].get('expert_functions',{}) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(revive.__file__),"./common/"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config_file), "./")) self.expert_functions['next_step_node_'] = {"node_function": "step_node_function.get_next_step_node"} self._raw_config = raw_config self._raw_data = raw_data ############################ append ts ################################### # collect nodes config ts_frames_config = {"ts_"+k:v["ts"] for k,v in nodes_config.items() if "ts" in v.keys()} ts_frames_config = {k:v for k,v in ts_frames_config.items() if v > 1} if ts_frames_config: max_ts_frames = max(ts_frames_config.values()) nodes = list(graph_dict.keys()) for output_node in list(graph_dict.keys()): nodes += list(graph_dict[output_node]) nodes = list(set(nodes)) # parse nno ts_nodes for index, node in enumerate(nodes): if node.startswith("next_ts_"): nodes[index] = "next_" + node[8:] if node.startswith("ts_"): nodes[index] = node[3:] ts_nodes = {"ts_"+node:node for node in nodes if "ts_"+node in ts_frames_config.keys()} for ts_node,node in ts_nodes.items(): if node not in raw_data.keys(): logger.error(f"Can't find '{node}' node data.") sys.exit() self.ts_nodes = ts_nodes # ts_node npz data trj_index = [0,] + list(raw_data["index"]) new_data = {k:[] for k in ts_nodes.keys()} new_index = [] i = 1 for trj_start_index, trj_end_index in zip(trj_index[:-1], trj_index[1:]): new_index.append(trj_end_index+(i*(max_ts_frames-1))) i += 1 for ts_node,node in ts_nodes.items(): ts_node_frames = ts_frames_config[ts_node] self.ts_node_frames[ts_node] = ts_node_frames pad_data = np.concatenate([np.repeat(raw_data[node][trj_start_index:trj_start_index+1],repeats=ts_node_frames-1,axis=0), raw_data[node][trj_start_index:trj_end_index]]) new_data[ts_node].append(np.concatenate([pad_data[i:i+(trj_end_index-trj_start_index)] for i in range(ts_node_frames)], axis=1)) new_data = {k:np.concatenate(v,axis=0) for k,v in new_data.items()} raw_data.update(new_data) # ts_node columns for ts_node, node in ts_nodes.items(): ts_node_frames = ts_frames_config[ts_node] node_columns = [c for c in raw_config['metadata']['columns'] if list(c.values())[0]["dim"] == node] ts_node_columns = [] ts_index = 0 for ts_index in range(ts_node_frames): for node_column in node_columns: node_column_value = deepcopy(list(node_column.values())[0]) node_column_name = deepcopy(list(node_column.keys())[0]) node_column_value["dim"] = ts_node if ts_index+1 < ts_node_frames: node_column_value["fit"] = False ts_node_columns.append({"ts-"+str(ts_index)+"_"+node_column_name:node_column_value}) raw_config['metadata']['columns'] += ts_node_columns self._raw_config = raw_config self._raw_data = raw_data # breakpoint() ################################################################## ############################ trajectory_id ################# # collect nodes config traj_id_node_config = {k:v["traj_id"] for k,v in nodes_config.items() if "traj_id" in v.keys()} if traj_id_node_config: traj_id_emd_flag = self.revive_config["use_traj_id_embed"] traj_index = [0,] + list(raw_data["index"]) start_indexes = traj_index[:-1] end_indexes = traj_index[1:] traj_num = len(start_indexes) if traj_id_emd_flag: traj_encodings = generate_bin_encoding(traj_num) traj_ids = [] for i_traj in range(traj_num): if traj_id_emd_flag: traj_ids.append(np.ones((end_indexes[i_traj] - start_indexes[i_traj], 1)) * traj_encodings[i_traj]) else: traj_ids.append(np.ones((end_indexes[i_traj] - start_indexes[i_traj], 1)) * i_traj) raw_data['traj'] = np.concatenate(traj_ids) raw_config['metadata']['columns'] += [{'traj': {'dim': 'traj', 'type': 'continuous', 'min': 0, 'max': len(start_indexes)-1}},] if not traj_id_emd_flag else [{f'traj_{i}': {'dim': 'traj', 'type': 'discrete', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'num': 2}} for i in range(traj_encodings.shape[1])] for node, _ in traj_id_node_config.items(): raw_config['metadata']['graph'][node].append('traj') self._raw_config = raw_config self._raw_data = raw_data ################################################################## ############################ collect freeze node ################# # collect nodes config self.freeze_nodes = [k for k,v in nodes_config.items() if "freeze" in v.keys() and v["freeze"]]"Freeze the following nodes without training -> {self.freeze_nodes}") self.nodes_loss_type = {k:v["loss_type"] for k,v in nodes_config.items() if "loss_type" in v.keys() and v["loss_type"]}"Nodes loss type -> {self.nodes_loss_type}") ################################################################## def _check_data(self): '''check if the data format is correct''' ''' prepare fake data for no data nodes ''' for nodata_node_name in self.graph.nodata_node_names: assert nodata_node_name not in node_data_dims = len(self.raw_columns[nodata_node_name])[nodata_node_name] = np.ones((list([0].shape[0], node_data_dims), dtype=np.float32) '''1. check if the dimension of data matches the dimension described in yaml''' for k, v in self.raw_columns.items(): assert k in, f'Cannot find `{k}` in the data file, please check!' data =[k] assert len(data.shape) == 2, f'Expect data in 2D ndarray, got variable `{k}` in shape {data.shape}, please check!' assert data.shape[-1] == len(v), f'Variable `{k}` described in yaml has {len(v)} dims, but got {data.shape[-1]} dims from the data file, please check!' for curr_name, next_name in self.graph.transition_map.items(): assert[curr_name].shape ==[next_name].shape, \ f'Shape mismatch between `{curr_name}` (shape {[curr_name].shape}) and `{next_name}` (shape {[next_name].shape}). ' + \ f'If it is you who puts `{next_name}` in the data file, please check the way you generate it. ' + \ f'Otherwise, it is probably you have register a function to compute `{next_name}` but it output a wrong shape, please check the function!' '''2. check if the functions are correctly defined''' for node_name in self.graph.keys(): node = self.graph.get_node(node_name) if node.node_type == 'function': # test 1D case input_data = {name :[name][0] for name in node.input_names} should_output_data =[][0] if node.node_function_type == 'torch': input_data = {k : torch.tensor(v) for k, v in input_data.items()} should_output_data = torch.tensor(should_output_data) output_data = node.node_function(input_data) assert output_data.shape == should_output_data.shape, \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output shape {should_output_data.shape}, got {output_data.shape} instead!' assert type(output_data) == type(should_output_data), \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output type {type(should_output_data)}, got {type(output_data)} instead!' assert output_data.dtype == should_output_data.dtype, \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output dtype {should_output_data.dtype}, got {output_data.dtype} instead!' # test 2D case input_data = {name :[name][:2] for name in node.input_names} should_output_data =[][:2] if node.node_function_type == 'torch': input_data = {k : torch.tensor(v) for k, v in input_data.items()} should_output_data = torch.tensor(should_output_data) output_data = node.node_function(input_data) assert output_data.shape == should_output_data.shape, \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output shape {should_output_data.shape}, got {output_data.shape} instead!' assert type(output_data) == type(should_output_data), \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output type {type(should_output_data)}, got {type(output_data)} instead!' assert output_data.dtype == should_output_data.dtype, \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output dtype {should_output_data.dtype}, got {output_data.dtype} instead!' # test 3D case input_data = {name :[name][:2][np.newaxis] for name in node.input_names} should_output_data =[][:2][np.newaxis] if node.node_function_type == 'torch': input_data = {k : torch.tensor(v) for k, v in input_data.items()} should_output_data = torch.tensor(should_output_data) output_data = node.node_function(input_data) assert output_data.shape == should_output_data.shape, \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output shape {should_output_data.shape}, got {output_data.shape} instead!' assert type(output_data) == type(should_output_data), \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output type {type(should_output_data)}, got {type(output_data)} instead!' assert output_data.dtype == should_output_data.dtype, \ f'Testing function for `{node_name}`. Expect function output dtype {should_output_data.dtype}, got {output_data.dtype} instead!' # test value input_data = {name :[name] for name in node.input_names} should_output_data =[] if node.node_function_type == 'torch': input_data = {k : torch.tensor(v) for k, v in input_data.items()} output_data = node.node_function(input_data) if node.node_function_type == 'torch': output_data = output_data.numpy() error = np.abs(output_data - should_output_data) if np.max(error) > 1e-8: message = f'Test values for function "{}", find max mismatch {np.max(error, axis=0)}. Please check the function.' if self.ignore_check or np.max(error) < 1e-4: logger.warning(message) else: message += '\nIf you are sure that the function is right and the value error is acceptable, configure "ignore_check=True" in the config.json to skip.' message += '\nIf you are using the "" script. You can add the "--ignore_check 1" to skip. E.g. python --ignore_check 1' logger.error(message) raise ValueError(message) '''3. check if the transition variables match''' for curr_name, next_name in self.graph.transition_map.items(): curr_data = [] next_data = [] for start, end in zip(self._start_indexes, self._end_indexes): curr_data.append([curr_name][start+1:end]) next_data.append([next_name][start:end-1]) if not np.allclose(np.concatenate(curr_data), np.concatenate(next_data), 1e-4): error = np.abs(np.concatenate(curr_data) - np.concatenate(next_data)) message = f'Test transition values for {curr_name} and {next_name}, find max mismatch {np.max(error, axis=0)}. ' + \ f'If {next_name} is provided by you, please check the data file. If you provide {next_name} as a function, please check the function.' if self.ignore_check: logger.warning(message) else: logger.error(message) raise ValueError(message) ''' Delete fake data for no data nodes ''' for nodata_node_name in self.graph.nodata_node_names: assert nodata_node_name in
[docs] def compute_missing_data(self, need_truncate): if need_truncate: new_data = {k : [] for k in} for node_name in self.graph.transition_map.values(): new_data[node_name] = [] for start, end in zip(self._start_indexes, self._end_indexes): for k in new_data[k].append([k][start:end-1]) for k in new_data[k] = np.concatenate(new_data[k], axis=0) else: new_data = deepcopy( for node_name in self.graph.graph_list: if node_name not in node = self.graph.get_node(node_name) if node.node_type == 'function': # expert processing warnings.warn(f'Detect node {node_name} is not avaliable in the provided data, trying to compute it ...') assert node.node_type == 'function', \ f'You need to provide the function to compute node {node_name} since it is not given in the data!' inputs = {name : new_data[name] for name in node.input_names} convert_func = torch.tensor if node.node_function_type == 'torch' else np.array inputs = {k : convert_func(v) for k, v in inputs.items()} output = node.node_function(inputs) new_data[node_name] = np.array(output).astype(np.float32) elif node_name.startswith("next_"): # next_ processing assert need_truncate == True, f"need_truncate == False, however {node_name} is missing in data" ori_name = node_name[5:] warnings.warn(f'transition variable {node_name} is not provided and cannot be computed!') for start, end in zip(self._start_indexes, self._end_indexes): new_data[node_name].append([ori_name][start+1:end]) new_data[node_name] = np.concatenate(new_data[node_name], axis=0) elif node.node_type == 'network': # this is for handling empty node logger.warning(f"Detect {node_name} as empty node !") continue else: logger.error(f"Node {node_name} is not neither next_ node nor expert node. And {node_name} is missing in data. Please check the dataset file !") raise NotImplementedError if need_truncate: self._start_indexes -= np.arange(self._start_indexes.shape[0]) self._end_indexes -= np.arange(self._end_indexes.shape[0]) + 1 self._traj_lengths -= 1 self._min_length -= 1 self._max_length -= 1 = Batch(new_data)
def _load_data(self, data_file : str): ''' load data from the data file and conduct following processes: 1. parse trajectory length and start and end indexes from data. if `index` is not provided, consider trajectory length is equal to 1. 2. if `done` is not in the data, create an all-zero data for it. 3. try to compute values of unprovided node with expert function. 4. if any transition variable is not available, truncate the trajectories by 1. ''' if self._raw_data: raw_data = self._raw_data else: raw_data = load_data(data_file) # logger.error("This is for devlop. Please delete it.") # nan_index = np.random.choice(raw_data["temperature"].shape[0], size=500) # raw_data["temperature"][nan_index] = np.nan # make sure data is in float32 for k, v in raw_data.items(): if v.dtype != np.float32: raw_data[k] = v.astype(np.float32) # mark the start and end of each trajectory try: self._end_indexes = raw_data.pop('index').astype(int) except: # if no index, consider the data is with a length of 1 warnings.warn('key `index` is not provided, assuming data with length 1!') self._end_indexes = np.arange(0, raw_data[list(self.graph.keys())[0]].shape[0]) + 1 # check if the index is correct assert np.all((self._end_indexes[1:] - self._end_indexes[:-1]) > 0), f'index must be incremental order, but got {self._end_indexes}.' for output_node_name in raw_data.keys(): if output_node_name not in self.graph.tunable: datasize = raw_data[output_node_name].shape[0] assert datasize == self._end_indexes[-1], \ f'detect index exceed the provided data, the max index is {self._end_indexes[-1]}, but got {output_node_name} in shape {raw_data[output_node_name].shape}.' self._start_indexes = np.concatenate([np.array([0]), self._end_indexes[:-1]]) self._traj_lengths = self._end_indexes - self._start_indexes self._min_length = np.min(self._traj_lengths) self._max_length = np.max(self._traj_lengths) # check if `done` is defined in the data if not 'done' in raw_data.keys(): # when done is not available, set to all zero warnings.warn('key `done` is not provided, set it to all zero!') raw_data['done'] = np.zeros((datasize, 1), dtype=np.float32) = Batch(raw_data) # check if all the transition variables are in the data need_truncate = False for node_name in self.graph.transition_map.values(): if node_name not in warnings.warn(f'transition variable {node_name} is not provided and cannot be computed!') need_truncate = True if need_truncate: for node_name in self.graph.transition_map.values(): # clean out existing variables if node_name in warnings.warn('truncating the trajectory by 1 step to generate transition variables!') assert self._min_length > 1, 'cannot truncate trajectory with length 1' # compute node if they are defined on the graph but not present in the data need_compute = False for node_name in self.graph.keys(): if node_name not in warnings.warn(f'Detect node {node_name} is not avaliable in the provided data, trying to compute it ...') need_compute = True # here to process the data if need_truncate or need_compute: self.compute_missing_data(need_truncate) # append mask index for nan value self.nan_isin_data = False for key in list( isnan_index = np.isnan([key]).astype(np.float32) if np.sum(isnan_index) > 0.5: logger.warning(f"Find nan value in {key} node data. Auto set the ignore_check=True.")[key+"_isnan_index_"] = isnan_index df = pd.DataFrame([key]) df.fillna(method="bfill", inplace=True) df.fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True)[key] = df.values self.ignore_check = True self.nan_isin_data = True # parse no data nodes: No data node support for training using the revive algo nodata_node_names = [] for node in self.graph.nodes.values(): output_node_name = if output_node_name not in list( logger.warning(f'Find no data node. Node type: "{node.node_type}". Node name: "{output_node_name}".') if node.node_type == "network": nodata_node_names.append(output_node_name) elif node.node_type == "function": # TODO: support automatic calculation of data for function nodes. pass else: logger.error(f"Find unknow node_type: {node.node_type}.") raise NotImplementedError self.graph.nodata_node_names = nodata_node_names self.graph.metric_nodes = list(set(self.graph.metric_nodes) - set(self.graph.nodata_node_names)) return # NOTE: mode should be set before create dataloader
[docs] def transition_mode_(self): ''' Set the dataset in transition mode. `__getitem__` will return a transition. ''' self.end_indexes = np.arange(0,[self.graph.leaf[0]].shape[0]) + 1 # self.end_indexes = np.arange(0,[list(self.graph.keys())[0]].shape[0]) + 1 self.start_indexes = np.concatenate([np.array([0]), self.end_indexes[:-1]]) self.traj_lengths = self.end_indexes - self.start_indexes self.min_length = np.min(self.traj_lengths) self.max_length = np.max(self.traj_lengths) self.set_horizon(1) self.index_to_traj = [0] + list(np.cumsum(self._traj_lengths)) self.mode = 'transition' self.fix_sample = True return self
[docs] def trajectory_mode_(self, horizon : Optional[int] = None, fix_sample : bool = False): r''' Set the dataset in trajectory mode. `__getitem__` will return a clip of trajectory. ''' self.end_indexes = self._end_indexes self.start_indexes = self._start_indexes self.traj_lengths = self._traj_lengths self.min_length = self._min_length self.max_length = self._max_length horizon = horizon or self.min_length self.set_horizon(horizon) self.index_to_traj = [0] + list(np.cumsum(self.traj_lengths // self.horizon)) self.mode = 'trajectory' self.fix_sample = fix_sample return self
def _find_trajectory(self, index : int): ''' perform binary search for the index of true trajectories from the index of the sample trajectory ''' left, right = 0, len(self.index_to_traj) - 1 mid = (left + right) // 2 while not (index >= self.index_to_traj[mid] and index < self.index_to_traj[mid+1]): if index < self.index_to_traj[mid]: right = mid - 1 else: left = mid + 1 mid = (left + right) // 2 return mid
[docs] def set_horizon(self, horizon : int): r''' Set the horzion for loading data ''' if horizon > self.min_length: logger.warning(f'Warning: the min length of dataset is {self.min_length}, which is less than the horzion {horizon} you require. ' + \ f'Fallback to use horzion = {self.min_length}.') self.horizon = min(horizon, self.min_length)"Set trajectory horizon : {self.horizon}")
[docs] def get_dist_configs(self, model_config): r''' Get the config of distributions for each node based on the given model config. Args: :model_config: The given model config. Return: :dist_configs: config of distributions for each node. :total_dims: dimensions for each node when it is considered as input and output. (Output dimensions can be different from input dimensions due to the parameterized distribution) ''' dist_configs = {k : self._get_dist_config(self.data_configs[k], model_config) for k in self.data_configs.keys()} total_dims = {k : self._get_dim(dist_configs[k]) for k in dist_configs.keys()} return dist_configs, total_dims
def _load_config(self, config_file : str): """ load data description from `.yaml` file. Few notes: 1. the name of each dimension will be discarded since they doesn't help the computation. 2. dimensions of each node will be reordered (category, discrete, continuous) to speed up computation. 3. register expert functions and tunable parameters if defined. """ if self._raw_config: raw_config = self._raw_config else: with open(config_file, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: raw_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # collect description for the same node data_config = raw_config['metadata']['columns'] self.columns = data_config keys = set([list(d.values())[0]['dim'] for d in data_config]) raw_columns = {} config = {} order = {} fit = {} for config_key in keys: raw_columns[config_key], config[config_key], order[config_key], fit[config_key] = self._load_config_for_single_node(data_config, config_key) # parse graph graph_dict = raw_config['metadata'].get('graph', None) # parse metric_nodes metric_nodes = raw_config['metadata'].get('metric_nodes', None) graph = DesicionGraph(graph_dict, raw_columns, fit, metric_nodes) # copy the raw columns for transition variables to allow them as input to other nodes for curr_name, next_name in graph.transition_map.items(): raw_columns[next_name] = raw_columns[curr_name] # if you use next_obs in graph, without obs as input, then next_obs would lose its description. [typically if you ts_obs instead of obs] # following to fix the above # for node_name in list(graph.keys()): # if node_name.startswith("next_"): # ori_name = node_name[5:] # if ori_name not in graph.leaf and "ts_"+ori_name in graph.leaf: # raw_columns[node_name] = raw_columns[ori_name] # mark tunable parameters for node_name in raw_config['metadata'].get('tunable', []): graph.mark_tunable(node_name) # expert_functions = raw_config['metadata'].get('expert_functions',{}) custom_nodes = raw_config['metadata'].get('custom_nodes', None) def get_function_type(file_path : str, function_name : str, file_name: str) -> str: '''get the function type from type hint''' with open(file_path, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith('def ') and function_name in line: if 'Tensor' in line: return 'torch' elif 'ndarray' in line: return 'numpy' else: warnings.warn('Type hint is not provided, assume it is an numpy function!') return 'numpy' raise ValueError(f'Cannot find function {function_name} in {file_name}.py, please check your yaml!') # later = find_later(self.config_file, 'data') # head = '.'.join(later[:-1]) # register expert functions to the graph if self.expert_functions is not None: for node_name, function_description in self.expert_functions.items(): # NOTE: currently we assume the expert functions are also placed in the same folder as the yaml file. if 'node_function' in function_description.keys(): # `node function` should be like [file].[function_name]` graph.register_node(node_name, FunctionDecisionNode) file_name, function_name = function_description['node_function'].split('.') file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config_file), file_name + '.py') function_type = get_function_type(file_path, function_name, file_name) parse_file_path = file_path[:-3]+"" if not parser(file_path,parse_file_path,self.config_file): parse_file_path = file_path function_type = get_function_type(parse_file_path, function_name, file_name) file_name = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(parse_file_path)[0])[-1] sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(parse_file_path)) source_file = importlib.import_module(f'{file_name}') func = eval(f'source_file.{function_name}') graph.get_node(node_name).register_node_function(func, function_type)'register node function ({function_type} version) for {node_name}') for node_name in list(graph.keys()): if node_name.startswith("next_ts_"): ori_name = node_name[8:] if set(graph.graph_dict[node_name]) == set(["ts_"+ori_name, "next_"+ori_name]) and (node_name not in self.expert_functions): # automatically register expert functions to this node graph.register_node(node_name, FunctionDecisionNode) func_description = "next_ts_transition_function.next_ts_placeholder_transition_function" file_name, function_name = func_description.split('.') function_name = function_name.replace("placeholder", ori_name) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(revive.__file__),"./common/"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config_file), "./")) file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config_file), file_name + '.py') with open(file_path, 'r+') as file: data = genral_func = data[data.find('def'):] new_func = '\n\n' + genral_func.replace("placeholder", ori_name) file.write(new_func) function_type = get_function_type(file_path, function_name, file_name) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(file_path)) time.sleep(1) source_file = importlib.import_module(f'{file_name}') func = eval(f'source_file.{function_name}') graph.get_node(node_name).register_node_function(func, function_type)'register node function ({function_type} version) for {node_name}') if set(graph.graph_dict[node_name]) == set(["ts_"+ori_name, ori_name]) and (node_name not in self.expert_functions): # automatically register expert functions to this node graph.register_node(node_name, FunctionDecisionNode) func_description = "next_ts_policy_function.next_ts_placeholder_policy_function" file_name, function_name = func_description.split('.') function_name = function_name.replace("placeholder", ori_name) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(revive.__file__),"./common/"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config_file), "./")) file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config_file), file_name + '.py') with open(file_path, 'r+') as file: data = genral_func = data[data.find('def'):] new_func = '\n\n' + genral_func.replace("placeholder", ori_name) file.write(new_func) function_type = get_function_type(file_path, function_name, file_name) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(file_path)) time.sleep(1) source_file = importlib.import_module(f'{file_name}') func = eval(f'source_file.{function_name}') graph.get_node(node_name).register_node_function(func, function_type)'register node function ({function_type} version) for {node_name}') # register custom nodes to the graph if custom_nodes is not None: for node_name, custom_node in custom_nodes.items(): # NOTE: currently we assume the custom nodes are also placed in the same folder as the yaml file. # `custom node should be given in the form of [file].[node_class_name]` file_name, class_name = custom_node.split('.') file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.config_file), file_name + '.py') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(file_path)) source_file = importlib.import_module(f'{file_name}') node_class = eval(f'source_file.{class_name}') graph.register_node(node_name, node_class)'register custom node `{node_class}` for {node_name}') # register other nodes with the default `NetworkDecisionNode` for node_name, node in graph.nodes.items(): if node is None: graph.register_node(node_name, NetworkDecisionNode)'register the default `NetworkDecisionNode` for {node_name}') self.raw_columns, self.data_configs, self.orders, self.graph, = raw_columns, config, order, graph, fit def _load_config_for_single_node(self, raw_config : list, node_name : str): ''' load config for a single node. :return raw_config: columns belong to this node config: collected columns with type in order: category, discrete, continuous order: order of the index to convert to the collected columns ''' raw_config = list(filter(lambda d: list(d.values())[0]['dim'] == node_name, raw_config)) config = [] discrete_count = 0 discrete_min = [] discrete_max = [] discrete_num = [] fit = [] continuous_count = 0 continuous_min = [] continuous_max = [] order = [] for index, d in enumerate(raw_config): name = list(d.keys())[0] _config = d[name] if _config['type'] == 'category': assert 'values' in _config.keys(), f'Parsing columns for node `{node_name}`, you must provide `values` for a `category` dimension.' _config['dim'] = len(_config['values']) order.append((index, 1)) config.append(_config) elif _config['type'] == 'continuous': order.append((index, 3)) continuous_count += 1 continuous_max.append(_config.get('max', None)) continuous_min.append(_config.get('min', None)) elif _config['type'] == 'discrete': assert 'num' in _config.keys() and _config['num'] > 1, f'Parsing columns for node `{node_name}`, you must provide `num` > 1 for a `discrete` dimension.' discrete_count += 1 order.append((index, 2)) discrete_max.append(_config.get('max', None)) discrete_min.append(_config.get('min', None)) discrete_num.append(_config['num']) else: logger.error(f"Data type {_config['type']} is not support. Please check the yaml file.") raise NotImplementedError if "fit" in _config.keys() and not _config["fit"]: if _config['type'] == 'category': fit += [False,]*len(_config['values']) else: fit.append(False) else: if _config['type'] == 'category': fit += [True,]*len(_config['values']) else: fit.append(True) order = sorted(order, key=lambda x: x[1]) forward_order = [o[0] for o in order] order = [(ordered_index, origin_index) for ordered_index, origin_index in enumerate(forward_order)] order = sorted(order, key=lambda x: x[1]) backward_order = [o[0] for o in order] order = { 'forward' : forward_order, 'backward' : backward_order, } if discrete_count > 0: config.append({'type' : 'discrete', "dim" : discrete_count, 'max' : discrete_max, 'min' : discrete_min, 'num' : discrete_num}) if continuous_count > 0: config.append({'type' : 'continuous', 'dim' : continuous_count, 'max' : continuous_max, 'min' : continuous_min}) return raw_config, config, order, fit def _get_dist_config(self, data_config : List[Dict[str, Any]], model_config : Dict[str, Any]): dist_config = [] for config in data_config: config = config.copy() if config['type'] == 'category': assert model_config['category_distribution_type'] in ['onehot'], \ f"distribution type {model_config['category_distribution_type']} is not support for category variables!" config['type'] = model_config['category_distribution_type'] config['output_dim'] = config['dim'] elif config['type'] == 'discrete': assert model_config['discrete_distribution_type'] in ['gmm', 'normal', 'discrete_logistic'], \ f"distribution type {model_config['discrete_distribution_type']} is not support for discrete variables!" config['type'] = model_config['discrete_distribution_type'] if config['type'] == 'discrete_logistic': config['output_dim'] = config['dim'] * 2 config['num'] = config['num'] elif config['type'] == 'normal': config['conditioned_std'] = model_config['conditioned_std'] config['output_dim'] = config['dim'] * (1 + config['conditioned_std']) elif config['type'] == 'gmm': config['mixture'] = model_config['mixture'] config['conditioned_std'] = model_config['conditioned_std'] config['output_dim'] = config['mixture'] * ((1 + config['conditioned_std']) * config['dim'] + 1) else: assert model_config['continuous_distribution_type'] in ['gmm', 'normal'], \ f"distribution type {model_config['continuous_distribution_type']} is not support for discrete variables!" config['type'] = model_config['continuous_distribution_type'] if config['type'] == 'normal': config['conditioned_std'] = model_config['conditioned_std'] config['output_dim'] = config['dim'] * (1 + config['conditioned_std']) elif config['type'] == 'gmm': config['mixture'] = model_config['mixture'] config['conditioned_std'] = model_config['conditioned_std'] config['output_dim'] = config['mixture'] * ((1 + config['conditioned_std']) * config['dim'] + 1) dist_config.append(config) return dist_config def _get_process_params(self, data : np.ndarray, data_config : Dict[str, Union[int, str, List[float]]], order : List[int]): ''' get necessary parameters for data processor ''' additional_parameters = [] forward_slices = [] backward_slices = [] forward_start_index = 0 backward_start_index = 0 if data is None: total_dims = sum([config["dim"] for config in data_config]) for dim in range(total_dims): additional_parameters.append((np.array(0).astype(np.float32), np.array(1).astype(np.float32))) forward_slices.append(slice(0,total_dims)) backward_slices.append(slice(0,total_dims)) return { 'forward_slices' : forward_slices, 'backward_slices' : backward_slices, 'additional_parameters' : additional_parameters, } data = data.copy() data = data.take(order['forward'], axis=-1) for config in data_config: if config['type'] == 'category': forward_end_index = forward_start_index + 1 additional_parameters.append(np.array(config['values']).astype(np.float32)) elif config['type'] == 'continuous': forward_end_index = forward_start_index + config['dim'] _data = data[:, forward_start_index : forward_end_index] _data = _data.reshape((-1, _data.shape[-1])) data_max = _data.max(axis=0) data_min = _data.min(axis=0) for i in range(config['dim']): if config['max'][i] is None: config['max'][i] = data_max[i] if config['min'][i] is None: config['min'][i] = data_min[i] max_num = np.array(config['max']).astype(np.float32) min_num = np.array(config['min']).astype(np.float32) interval = max_num - min_num interval[interval==0] = 2 # prevent dividing zero additional_parameters.append(((max_num + min_num) / 2, 0.5 * interval)) elif config['type'] == 'discrete': forward_end_index = forward_start_index + config['dim'] _data = data[:, forward_start_index : forward_end_index] _data = _data.reshape((-1, _data.shape[-1])) data_max = _data.max(axis=0) data_min = _data.min(axis=0) for i in range(config['dim']): if config['max'][i] is None: config['max'][i] = data_max[i] if config['min'][i] is None: config['min'][i] = data_min[i] max_num = np.array(config['max']).astype(np.float32) min_num = np.array(config['min']).astype(np.float32) interval = max_num - min_num interval[interval==0] = 2 # prevent dividing zero additional_parameters.append(((max_num + min_num) / 2, 0.5 * interval, np.array(config['num']))) backward_end_index = backward_start_index + config['dim'] forward_slices.append(slice(forward_start_index, forward_end_index)) backward_slices.append(slice(backward_start_index, backward_end_index)) forward_start_index = forward_end_index backward_start_index = backward_end_index return { 'forward_slices' : forward_slices, 'backward_slices' : backward_slices, 'additional_parameters' : additional_parameters, } def _get_dim(self, dist_configs): return { 'input' : sum([d['dim'] for d in dist_configs]), 'output' : sum([d['output_dim'] for d in dist_configs]) }
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return np.sum(self.traj_lengths // self.horizon)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index : int, raw : bool = False) -> Batch: if self.mode == 'trajectory': traj_index = self._find_trajectory(index) if self.fix_sample: # fix the starting point of each slice in the trajectory start_index = self.start_indexes[traj_index] + self.horizon * (index - self.index_to_traj[traj_index]) else: # randomly sample valid start point from the trajectory length = self.end_indexes[traj_index] - self.start_indexes[traj_index] start_index = self.start_indexes[traj_index] + np.random.randint(0, length - self.horizon + 1) raw_data =[start_index : (start_index + self.horizon)] if self.tunable_data is not None: raw_data.update(self.tunable_data[traj_index]) # tunable_data = Batch() # for tunable, data in self.tunable_data.items(): # tunable_data[tunable] = data[traj_index][np.newaxis].repeat(self.horizon, axis=0) # raw_data.update(tunable_data) # TODO: Update # Skip nan in start index data if self.nan_isin_data: for node in self.graph.get_leaf(): if node + "_isnan_index_" in raw_data.keys(): if np.sum(raw_data[node + "_isnan_index_"][:1]) > 0.5: return self.__getitem__(np.random.choice(np.arange(self.__len__()))) elif self.mode == 'transition': raw_data =[index] if self.tunable_data is not None: traj_index = self._find_trajectory(index) raw_data.update(self.tunable_data[traj_index]) if raw: return raw_data return self.processor.process(raw_data)
[docs] def split(self, ratio : float = 0.5, mode : str = 'outside_traj', recall : bool = False) -> Tuple['OfflineDataset', 'OfflineDataset']: r''' split the dataset into train and validation with the given ratio and mode Args: :ratio: Ratio to split validate dataset if it is not explicitly given. :mode: Mode of auto splitting training and validation dataset, choose from `outside_traj` and `inside_traj`. `outside_traj` means the split is happened outside the trajectories, one trajectory can only be in one dataset. ' + `inside_traj` means the split is happened inside the trajectories, former part of one trajectory is in training set, later part is in validation set. Return: (TrainDataset, ValidateDataset) ''' val_dataset = deepcopy(self) if mode == 'outside_traj': total_traj_num = len(self._start_indexes) val_traj_num = int(total_traj_num * ratio) train_traj_num = total_traj_num - val_traj_num if not (val_traj_num > 0 and train_traj_num > 0): message = f'Cannot split a dataset with {total_traj_num} trajectories to {train_traj_num} (training) and {val_traj_num} (validation).' if recall: raise RuntimeError(message) else: warnings.warn(message) warnings.warn('Fallback to `inside_traj` mode!') return self.split(ratio=ratio, mode='inside_traj', recall=True) total_traj_index = list(range(total_traj_num)) np.random.shuffle(total_traj_index) val_traj_index = sorted(total_traj_index[:val_traj_num]) train_traj_index = sorted(total_traj_index[val_traj_num:]) self._rebuild_from_traj_index(train_traj_index) val_dataset._rebuild_from_traj_index(val_traj_index) elif mode == 'inside_traj': training_slices = [] validation_slices = [] for total_point in self._traj_lengths: slice_point = int(total_point * (1 - ratio)) train_point = slice_point validation_point = total_point - slice_point if not (train_point > 0 and validation_point > 0): message = f'Cannot split a trajectory with {total_point} steps to {train_point} (training) and {validation_point} (validation).' if recall: raise RuntimeError(message) else: warnings.warn(message) warnings.warn('Fallback to `outside_traj` mode!') return self.split(ratio=ratio, mode='outside_traj', recall=True) training_slices.append(slice(0, slice_point)) validation_slices.append(slice(slice_point, total_point)) self._rebuild_from_slices(training_slices) val_dataset._rebuild_from_slices(validation_slices) else: raise ValueError(f'Split mode {mode} is not understood, please check your config!') return self, val_dataset
def _rebuild_from_traj_index(self, traj_indexes : List[int]) -> 'OfflineDataset': ''' rebuild the dataset by subsampling the trajectories ''' # rebuild data new_data = [] for traj_index in traj_indexes: start = self._start_indexes[traj_index] end = self._end_indexes[traj_index] new_data.append([start:end]) = # rebuild index self._traj_lengths = self._end_indexes[traj_indexes] - self._start_indexes[traj_indexes] self._end_indexes = np.cumsum(self._traj_lengths) self._start_indexes = np.concatenate([np.array([0]), self._end_indexes[:-1]]) self._min_length = np.min(self._traj_lengths) self._max_length = np.max(self._traj_lengths) self.trajectory_mode_() if self.mode == 'trajectory' else self.transition_mode_() return self def _rebuild_from_slices(self, slices : List[slice]) -> 'OfflineDataset': ''' rebuild the dataset by slicing inside the trajectory ''' assert len(self._traj_lengths) == len(slices) # rebuild data new_data = [] lengths = [] for s, start, end in zip(slices, self._start_indexes, self._end_indexes): data =[start:end][s] lengths.append(data.shape[0]) new_data.append(data) = # rebuild index self._traj_lengths = np.array(lengths) self._end_indexes = np.cumsum(self._traj_lengths) self._start_indexes = np.concatenate([np.array([0]), self._end_indexes[:-1]]) self._min_length = np.min(self._traj_lengths) self._max_length = np.max(self._traj_lengths) self.trajectory_mode_() if self.mode == 'trajectory' else self.transition_mode_() return self
[docs]class UniformSampler( r""" A uniform data sampler Args: data_source (OfflineDataset): dataset to sample from num_samples (int): number of samples to draw. replacement (bool): samples are drawn on-demand with replacement if ``True``, default=``False`` """ def __init__(self, data_source, number_samples, replacement=True): self.data_source = data_source self.number_samples = number_samples self.replacement = replacement if not self.replacement: assert self.number_samples <= len(self.data_source), \ "Cannot draw more samples than dataset itself, consider to decrease batch size or set `replacement=True`" def __iter__(self): n = len(self.data_source) if self.replacement: rand_tensor = torch.randint(high=n, size=(self.number_samples,), dtype=torch.int64) sample_index = rand_tensor.tolist() else: sample_index = torch.randperm(n).tolist()[:self.number_samples] return iter([sample_index])
[docs] def __len__(self): return 1
[docs]class InfiniteUniformSampler( r""" A infinite data sampler, sampler that provides infinite length of data index Args: data_source (OfflineDataset): dataset to sample from num_samples (int): number of samples to draw. replacement (bool): samples are drawn on-demand with replacement if ``True``, default=``False`` """ def __init__(self, data_source, number_samples, replacement=True): self.data_source = data_source self.number_samples = number_samples self.replacement = replacement if not self.replacement: assert self.number_samples <= len(self.data_source), \ "Cannot draw more samples than dataset itself, consider to decrease batch size or set `replacement=True`" def __iter__(self): n = len(self.data_source) while True: if self.replacement: rand_tensor = torch.randint(high=n, size=(self.number_samples,), dtype=torch.int64) sample_index = rand_tensor.tolist() else: sample_index = torch.randperm(n).tolist()[:self.number_samples] yield sample_index
[docs]class InfiniteDataLoader: r""" Wrapper that enables infinite pre-fetching, must use together with InfiniteUniformSampler""" def __init__(self, dataloader : self.dataloader = dataloader self.dataset = self.dataloader.dataset self.iter = iter(self.dataloader) def __iter__(self): return iter([next(self.iter)])
[docs]def collect_data(expert_data : List[Batch], graph : DesicionGraph) -> Batch: r''' Collection function for PyTorch DataLoader ''' expert_data = Batch.stack(expert_data, axis=-2) expert_data.to_torch() if graph.transition_map: selected_name = list(graph.transition_map.keys())[0] if len(expert_data[selected_name].shape) == 3: for tunable_name in graph.tunable: expert_data[tunable_name] = expert_data[tunable_name].expand(expert_data[selected_name].shape[0], *[-1] * len(expert_data[tunable_name].shape)) return expert_data
[docs]def get_loader(dataset : OfflineDataset, config : dict, is_sample : bool = True): """ Get the PoTorch DataLoader for training """ batch_size = config[BATCH_SIZE] if is_sample: loader =, batch_sampler=InfiniteUniformSampler(dataset, batch_size), collate_fn=partial(collect_data, graph=dataset.graph), pin_memory=True, num_workers=config['data_workers']) loader = InfiniteDataLoader(loader) else: loader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, collate_fn=partial(collect_data, graph=dataset.graph), pin_memory=True, num_workers=config['data_workers']) return loader
[docs]def data_creator(config : dict, training_mode : str = 'trajectory', training_horizon : int = None, training_is_sample : bool = True, val_mode : str = 'trajectory', val_horizon : int = None, val_is_sample : bool = False, double : bool = False): """ Get train data loader and validation data loader. :return: train data loader and validation data loader """ train_dataset = ray.get(config['dataset']) val_dataset = ray.get(config['val_dataset']) config['dist_configs'], config['total_dims'] = train_dataset.get_dist_configs(config) config['learning_nodes_num'] = train_dataset.learning_nodes_num if training_horizon is None and val_horizon is not None: training_horizon = val_horizon if training_horizon is not None and val_horizon is None: val_horizon = training_horizon if not double: train_dataset = train_dataset.trajectory_mode_(training_horizon) if training_mode == 'trajectory' else train_dataset.transition_mode_() val_dataset = val_dataset.trajectory_mode_(val_horizon) if val_mode == 'trajectory' else val_dataset.transition_mode_() train_loader = get_loader(train_dataset, config, training_is_sample) val_loader = get_loader(val_dataset, config, val_is_sample) return train_loader, val_loader else: # perform double venv training ''' NOTE: train_dataset_val means training set used in validation ''' train_dataset_train = deepcopy(train_dataset) val_dataset_train = deepcopy(val_dataset) train_dataset_val = deepcopy(train_dataset) val_dataset_val = deepcopy(val_dataset) train_dataset_train = train_dataset_train.trajectory_mode_(training_horizon) if training_mode == 'trajectory' else train_dataset_train.transition_mode_() val_dataset_train = val_dataset_train.trajectory_mode_(training_horizon) if training_mode == 'trajectory' else val_dataset_train.transition_mode_() train_dataset_val = train_dataset_val.trajectory_mode_(val_horizon) if val_mode == 'trajectory' else train_dataset_val.transition_mode_() val_dataset_val = val_dataset_val.trajectory_mode_(val_horizon) if val_mode == 'trajectory' else val_dataset_val.transition_mode_() train_loader_train = get_loader(train_dataset_train, config, training_is_sample) val_loader_train = get_loader(val_dataset_train, config, training_is_sample) train_loader_val = get_loader(train_dataset_val, config, val_is_sample) val_loader_val = get_loader(val_dataset_val, config, val_is_sample) return train_loader_train, val_loader_train, train_loader_val, val_loader_val
if __name__ == '__main__': dataset = OfflineDataset() loader =, batch_size=32, num_workers=2, collate_fn=partial(Batch.stack, axis=1), shuffle=True) data = next(iter(loader)) print(data) print(data[:, 0].obs) single_data = dataset.__getitem__(np.random.randint(len(dataset)), raw=True) processed_data = dataset.processor.process(single_data) deprocessed_data = dataset.processor.deprocess(processed_data) processor = dataset.processor processed_obs = processor.process_single(single_data.obs, 'obs') deprocessed_obs = processor.deprocess_single(processed_obs, 'obs') for k in single_data.keys(): assert np.all(np.isclose(deprocessed_data[k], single_data[k], atol=1e-6)), [k, deprocessed_data[k] - single_data[k]] assert np.all(np.isclose(deprocessed_data.obs, deprocessed_obs, atol=1e-6)), [processed_data.obs - processed_obs] plot_traj(single_data) # test sampler data = torch.rand(1000, 4) dataset = sampler = UniformSampler(dataset, 3) loader =, batch_sampler=sampler) for _ in range(10): for b in loader: print(b)