Source code for revive.utils.server_utils

    POLIXIR REVIVE, copyright (C) 2021-2023 Polixir Technologies Co., Ltd., is 
    distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL). 
    POLIXIR REVIVE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.
import os
import ray
import json
import time
import traceback
import logging
import warnings
from ray import tune
from loguru import logger
from collections import deque
from ray.tune import CLIReporter
from collections import OrderedDict

from revive.computation.inference import *
from revive.utils.common_utils import update_description, setup_seed
from revive.algo.venv import VenvAlgorithm
from revive.algo.policy import PolicyAlgorithm
from revive.utils.tune_utils import CustomBasicVariantGenerator, CustomSearchGenerator, SysStopper, get_tune_callbacks

[docs]class DataBufferEnv: def __init__(self, venv_max_num : int = 10): ''' : param venv_max_num: Max number of venv stored in best_venv ''' self.venv_max_num = venv_max_num self.num_of_trial = 0 self.least_metric = float('inf') self.max_acc = - float('inf') self.total_num_of_trials = -1 self.best_id = None self.metric_dict = OrderedDict() self.status_dict = OrderedDict() self.best_venv = None self.best_model_workspace = None self.venv_deque_dict = dict()
[docs] def update_status(self, task_id : int, status : str, message : str = ''): old_message = '' if not task_id in self.status_dict.keys() else self.status_dict[task_id][1] self.status_dict[task_id] = (status, old_message + message)
[docs] def get_status(self) -> Dict[int, Tuple[str, str]]: return self.status_dict
[docs] def set_best_venv(self, venv : VirtualEnv): self.best_venv = venv
[docs] def get_best_venv(self) -> VirtualEnv: return self.best_venv
[docs] def get_best_model_workspace(self) -> str: return self.best_model_workspace
[docs] def set_total_trials(self, trials : int): self.total_num_of_trials = trials
[docs] def inc_trial(self) -> int: self.num_of_trial += 1 return self.num_of_trial
[docs] def get_num_of_trial(self) -> int: return self.num_of_trial
[docs] def update_venv_deque_dict(self, task_id, venv_train, venv_val): if task_id not in self.venv_deque_dict.keys(): self.venv_deque_dict[task_id] = deque(maxlen=self.venv_max_num) self.venv_deque_dict[task_id].append((venv_train, venv_val))
[docs] def delet_deque_item(self,task_id,index): del self.venv_deque_dict[task_id][index]
[docs] def update_metric(self, task_id : int, metric : Dict[int, Union[float, VirtualEnvDev]]): self.metric_dict[task_id] = metric self.metric_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(self.metric_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['metric'])) self.best_id, info = list(self.metric_dict.items())[0] self.least_metric = info['metric'] self.max_acc = info['acc'] self.best_model_workspace = info['traj_dir'] """ # Save the top-k env for every task if task_id not in self.venv_deque_dict.keys(): self.venv_deque_dict[task_id] = deque(maxlen=self.venv_max_num) self.venv_deque_dict[task_id].append((metric['venv_train'], metric['venv_val'])) """ # self.update_venv_deque_dict(task_id, metric['venv_train'], metric['venv_val']) venv_list = self.get_venv_list() if len(self.metric_dict.values()) <= 1: if (len(venv_list) <= self.venv_max_num) and (self.best_id in self.venv_deque_dict.keys()): venv_list += [venv_pair for venv_pair in list(self.venv_deque_dict[self.best_id])[:-1][::-1]] venv_list = venv_list[:self.venv_max_num] else: venv_list = venv_list[:self.venv_max_num] venv = VirtualEnv([pair[0] for pair in venv_list] + [pair[1] for pair in venv_list]) self.set_best_venv(venv)
[docs] def get_max_acc(self) -> float: return self.max_acc
[docs] def get_least_metric(self) -> float: return self.least_metric
[docs] def get_best_id(self) -> int: return self.best_id
[docs] def get_venv_list(self) -> List[VirtualEnvDev]: return [(metric['venv_train'], metric['venv_val']) for metric in self.metric_dict.values() if metric['venv_train'] is not None]
[docs] def get_dict(self): # clean out venv references metric_dict = OrderedDict() for id, mdict in self.metric_dict.items(): new_mdict = {k : v for k, v in mdict.items() if not isinstance(v, VirtualEnvDev)} metric_dict[id] = new_mdict return { "num_of_trial" : self.num_of_trial, "total_num_of_trials" : self.total_num_of_trials, "least_metric" : self.least_metric, "max_acc" : self.max_acc, "best_id" : self.best_id, "metrics" : metric_dict }
[docs] def write(self, filename : str): with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.get_dict(), f, indent=4)
[docs]class DataBufferPolicy: def __init__(self): self.num_of_trial = 0 self.max_reward = - float('inf') self.total_num_of_trials = -1 self.best_id = None self.reward_dict = OrderedDict() self.status_dict = OrderedDict() self.best_policy = None self.best_model_workspace = None
[docs] def update_status(self, task_id : int, status : str, message : str = ''): old_message = '' if not task_id in self.status_dict.keys() else self.status_dict[task_id][1] self.status_dict[task_id] = (status, old_message + message)
[docs] def get_status(self) -> Dict[int, Tuple[str, str]]: return self.status_dict
[docs] def set_best_policy(self, policy : PolicyModel): self.best_policy = policy
[docs] def get_best_policy(self) -> PolicyModel: return self.best_policy
[docs] def get_best_model_workspace(self) -> str: return self.best_model_workspace
[docs] def set_total_trials(self, trials : int): self.total_num_of_trials = trials
[docs] def inc_trial(self) -> int: self.num_of_trial += 1 return self.num_of_trial
[docs] def get_num_of_trial(self) -> int: return self.num_of_trial
[docs] def update_metric(self, task_id : int, metric : Dict[str, Union[float, PolicyModelDev]]): self.reward_dict[task_id] = metric self.reward_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(self.reward_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['reward'], reverse=True)) self.best_id, info = list(self.reward_dict.items())[0] self.max_reward = info['reward'] self.best_model_workspace = info['traj_dir'] self.set_best_policy(PolicyModel(self.reward_dict[self.best_id]['policy']))
[docs] def get_max_reward(self): return self.max_reward
[docs] def get_best_id(self): return self.best_id
[docs] def get_dict(self): # clean out policy references reward_dict = OrderedDict() for id, mdict in self.reward_dict.items(): new_mdict = {k : v for k, v in mdict.items() if not isinstance(v, PolicyModelDev)} reward_dict[id] = new_mdict return { "num_of_trial" : self.num_of_trial, "total_num_of_trials" : self.total_num_of_trials, "max_reward" : self.max_reward, "best_id" : self.best_id, "rewards" : reward_dict }
[docs] def write(self, filename : str): with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.get_dict(), f, indent=4)
[docs]class DataBufferTuner: def __init__(self, mode : str, budget : int): self.mode = mode self.current_trail = 0 self.budget = budget self.best_metric = - float('inf') if self.mode == 'max' else float('inf') self.best_parameter = None
[docs] def get_state(self): return { 'best_metric' : self.best_metric, 'best_parameter' : self.best_parameter, 'searched_trail' : self.current_trail, 'budget' : self.budget }
[docs] def update(self, parameter : Dict[str, np.ndarray], metric : float): self.current_trail += 1 if self.mode == 'max': if metric > self.best_metric: self.best_metric = metric self.best_parameter = parameter else: if metric < self.best_metric: self.best_metric = metric self.best_parameter = parameter
[docs]class Logger: """ This is a class called Logger that logs key-value pairs. """ def __init__(self): self.log = {}
[docs] def get_log(self): return self.log
[docs] def update(self, key, value): self.log[key] = value
[docs]def trial_str_creator(trial): return "{}_{}".format("ReviveLog", trial.trial_id)
[docs]def catch_error(func): '''Push the training error message to data buffer''' def wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: error_message = traceback.format_exc() logger.error('Detect error:{}, Error Message: {}'.format(e,error_message)) self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="End") return wrapped_func
[docs]class TuneVenvTrain(object): def __init__(self, config, venv_logger, command=None): logger.add(config["revive_log_path"]) self.config = config self.logger = venv_logger self.workspace = os.path.join(self.config["workspace"], 'venv_tune') if not os.path.exists(self.workspace): os.makedirs(self.workspace) self.algo = VenvAlgorithm(self.config["venv_algo"],self.workspace) # 指定venv的训练算法 if 'venv_algo_config' in config.keys() and self.config['venv_algo'] in config['venv_algo_config'].keys(): update_description(self.algo.operator.PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION, config['venv_algo_config'][self.config['venv_algo']]) self.config.update(self.algo.get_parameters(command)) os.environ['TUNE_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT_S'] = self.config['global_checkpoint_period']
[docs] @catch_error def train(self): from ray import tune self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="Run") tune_params = self.algo.get_tune_parameters(self.config) trainer = self.algo.get_train_func(self.config) # Seet the seed setup_seed(self.config["global_seed"]) tune_config = {"mode" : "max", "metric" : "mean_accuracy", "search_alg" : tune_params["search_alg"], "num_samples" : tune_params["num_samples"], "reuse_actors" : tune_params["reuse_actors"]} run_config = {"name" : tune_params["name"], "local_dir": tune_params["local_dir"], "stop" : SysStopper(workspace = self.config['workspace']), "callbacks" : tune_params["callbacks"], "verbose": tune_params["verbose"]} _tuner_kwargs = {"trial_name_creator" : trial_str_creator, "resources_per_trial":{"cpu": 1, "gpu": self.config['venv_gpus_per_worker']}, "progress_reporter":tune_params["progress_reporter"]} tuner = tune.Tuner( trainer, tune_config=tune.TuneConfig(**tune_config), run_config=ray.air.config.RunConfig(**run_config), _tuner_kwargs = _tuner_kwargs) results = self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="End")
[docs]class TunePolicyTrain(object): def __init__(self, config, policy_logger, venv_logger=None, command=None): logger.add(config["revive_log_path"]) self.config = config self.logger = policy_logger self.venv_logger = venv_logger self.workspace = os.path.join(self.config["workspace"], 'policy_tune') if not os.path.exists(self.workspace): os.makedirs(self.workspace) self.algo = PolicyAlgorithm(self.config['policy_algo'], self.workspace) if 'policy_algo_config' in config.keys() and self.config['policy_algo'] in config['policy_algo_config'].keys(): update_description(self.algo.operator.PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION, config['policy_algo_config'][self.config['policy_algo']]) self.config.update(self.algo.get_parameters(command)) os.environ['TUNE_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT_S'] = self.config['global_checkpoint_period']
[docs] @catch_error def train(self,): if self.venv_logger is not None: while True: # block until venv train finish log = ray.get(self.venv_logger.get_log.remote()) if log.get('task_state') == 'End': break time.sleep(10) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.config['workspace'], 'env.pkl')): logger.error(f"Don't find env model.") import sys sys.exit() from ray import tune self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="Run") tune_params = self.algo.get_tune_parameters(self.config) trainer = self.algo.get_train_func(self.config) # Seet the seed setup_seed(self.config["global_seed"]) tune_config = {"mode" : "max", "metric" : "mean_accuracy", "search_alg" : tune_params["search_alg"], "num_samples" : tune_params["num_samples"], "reuse_actors" : tune_params["reuse_actors"]} run_config = {"name" : tune_params["name"], "local_dir": tune_params["local_dir"], "stop" : SysStopper(workspace = self.config['workspace']), "callbacks" : tune_params["callbacks"], "verbose": tune_params["verbose"]} _tuner_kwargs = {"trial_name_creator" : trial_str_creator, "resources_per_trial":{"cpu": 1, "gpu": self.config['policy_gpus_per_worker']}, "progress_reporter":tune_params["progress_reporter"]} tuner = tune.Tuner( trainer, tune_config=tune.TuneConfig(**tune_config), run_config=ray.air.config.RunConfig(**run_config), _tuner_kwargs = _tuner_kwargs) results = self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="End")
[docs]class VenvTrain(object): def __init__(self, config, venv_logger, command=None): logger.add(config["revive_log_path"]) self.config = config self.logger = venv_logger self.workspace = os.path.join(self.config["workspace"], 'venv_train') if not os.path.exists(self.workspace): os.makedirs(self.workspace) self.algo = VenvAlgorithm(self.config["venv_algo"], self.workspace) # 指定venv的训练算法 if 'venv_algo_config' in config.keys() and self.config['venv_algo'] in config['venv_algo_config'].keys(): update_description(self.algo.operator.PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION, config['venv_algo_config'][self.config['venv_algo']]) self.config.update(self.algo.get_parameters(command))
[docs] @catch_error def train(self): self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="Run") trainer = self.algo.get_trainer(self.config) # 动态获取该算法对应的trainer对象 trainer.run_config.verbose = 0 # Seet the seed setup_seed(self.config["global_seed"]) self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="End")
# trainer.shutdown() # Without this line, GPU memory will leak
[docs]class PolicyTrain(object): def __init__(self, config, policy_logger, venv_logger=None, command=None): logger.add(config["revive_log_path"]) self.config = config self.logger = policy_logger self.venv_logger = venv_logger self.workspace = os.path.join(self.config["workspace"], 'policy_train') if not os.path.exists(self.workspace): os.makedirs(self.workspace) self.algo = PolicyAlgorithm(self.config['policy_algo'], self.workspace) if 'policy_algo_config' in config.keys() and self.config['policy_algo'] in config['policy_algo_config'].keys(): update_description(self.algo.operator.PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION, config['policy_algo_config'][self.config['policy_algo']]) self.config.update(self.algo.get_parameters(command))
[docs] @catch_error def train(self): if self.venv_logger is not None: while True: # block until venv train finish log = ray.get(self.venv_logger.get_log.remote()) if log.get('task_state') == 'End': break time.sleep(10) while True: # block until venv available if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.config['workspace'], 'env.pkl')): break else: logger.error(f"Don't find env model.") time.sleep(5) import sys sys.exit() self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="Run") trainer = self.algo.get_trainer(self.config) # 动态获取该算法对应的trainer对象 trainer.run_config.verbose = 0 # Seet the seed setup_seed(self.config["global_seed"]) self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="End")
# trainer.shutdown() # Without this line, GPU memory will leak
[docs]def default_evaluate(config): static = config.pop('static') env = ray.get(static['venv_buffer'].get_best_venv.remote()) state = static['state'] objective = static['objective'] buffer = static['buffer'] graph = env.graph parameter = {} for tunable_name in graph.tunable: parameter[tunable_name] = np.array( [config[parameter_name] for parameter_name in sorted(filter(lambda x: tunable_name in x, config.keys()))] ) state[0].update(parameter) states = env.infer_k_steps(state) value = sum([objective(s) for s in states]) buffer.update.remote(parameter, value) return {'objective' : value}
[docs]class ParameterTuner(object): def __init__(self, config, mode, initial_state, logger, venv_logger=None): self.config = config self.mode = mode self.initial_state = initial_state self.logger = logger self.venv_logger = venv_logger
[docs] def run(self): if self.venv_logger is not None: while True: # block until venv train finish log = ray.get(self.venv_logger.get_log.remote()) if log.get('task_state') == 'End': break time.sleep(10) while True: # block until venv available if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.config['workspace'], 'env.pkl')): break'Waiting for venv ...') time.sleep(10) self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="Run") env = ray.get(self.config['venv_data_buffer'].get_best_venv.remote()) graph = env.graph dataset = ray.get(self.config['dataset']) if len(graph.external_factors) - len(graph.tunable) > 0: for k, v in self.initial_state.items(): if len(v.shape) == 2: horizon = v.shape[0] state = [{node_name : self.initial_state[node_name] for node_name in graph.transition_map.keys()}] + [{}] * (horizon - 1) for i in range(horizon): for k, v in self.initial_state.items(): if len(v.shape) == 2: state[i][k] = v[i] warnings.warn(f'Detect leaf node on graph, reset rollout horizon to {horizon}!') else: if self.config['parameter_tuning_rollout_horizon'] > dataset.max_length: warnings.warn('Detect rollout length higher than max length in the dataset!') state = [self.initial_state] + [{}] * (self.config['parameter_tuning_rollout_horizon'] - 1) static_config = {'static' : {'venv_buffer' : self.config['venv_data_buffer'], 'state' : state, 'objective' : self.config['user_func'], 'buffer' : self.config['tuner_data_buffer']}} reporter = CLIReporter(max_progress_rows=50) reporter.add_metric_column("objective") tune_params = { "name": "parameter_tuning", "progress_reporter": reporter, 'metric' : 'objective', 'mode' : self.mode, "reuse_actors": self.config["reuse_actors"], "local_dir": self.config["workspace"], "loggers": get_tune_callbacks(), "verbose": self.config["verbose"], 'num_samples' : self.config['parameter_tuning_budget'] } if self.config['parameter_tuning_algorithm'] == 'random': random_search_config = static_config for tunable_name in graph.tunable: for i, d in enumerate(dataset.raw_columns[tunable_name]): name = list(d.keys())[0] _config = d[name] if _config['type'] == 'continuous': random_search_config[f'{tunable_name}_{"%.09d" % i}'] = tune.uniform(_config['min'], _config['max']) elif _config['type'] == 'discrete': random_search_config[f'{tunable_name}_{"%.09d" % i}'] = tune.grid_search(np.linspace(_config['min'], _config['max'], _config['num']).tolist()) elif _config['type'] == 'category': random_search_config[f'{tunable_name}_{"%.09d" % i}'] = tune.grid_search(_config['values']) tune_params['config'] = random_search_config tune_params['search_alg'] = CustomBasicVariantGenerator() elif self.config['parameter_tuning_algorithm'] == 'zoopt': from ray.tune.suggest.zoopt import ZOOptSearch from zoopt import ValueType num_of_cpu = int(ray.available_resources()['CPU']) parallel_num = num_of_cpu assert parallel_num > 0 dim_dict = {} for tunable_name in graph.tunable: for i, d in enumerate(dataset.raw_columns[tunable_name]): name = list(d.keys())[0] _config = d[name] if _config['type'] == 'continuous': dim_dict[f'{tunable_name}_{"%.09d" % i}'] = (ValueType.CONTINUOUS, [_config['min'], _config['max']], 1e-10) elif _config['type'] == 'discrete': dim_dict[f'{tunable_name}_{"%.09d" % i}'] = (ValueType.DISCRETE, np.linspace(_config['min'], _config['max'], _config['num']).tolist()) elif _config['type'] == 'category': dim_dict[f'{tunable_name}_{"%.09d" % i}'] = (ValueType.GRID, _config['values']) zoopt_search_config = { "parallel_num": parallel_num } tune_params['search_alg'] = ZOOptSearch( algo="Asracos", # only support Asracos currently budget=self.config['parameter_tuning_budget'], dim_dict=dim_dict, metric='objective', mode=self.mode, **zoopt_search_config ) tune_params['config'] = static_config tune_params['search_alg'] = CustomSearchGenerator(tune_params['search_alg']) # wrap with our generator analysis = default_evaluate, **tune_params ) self.logger.update.remote(key="task_state", value="End")